
quote of the day "lypo is the best form of dieting; however it does not get rid of cellulite"

134 days...weigh day, -1lbs; total loss = 12.5 lbs.

**disclaimer 201...surround yourself with good friends...if they really care about you they will convince you not to eat the pizza dough balls, or the cookies, or the pie, or the pizza, or the wings, or (you fill in the blank)...

...so today was weigh day and i almost flipped a lid (not that i had the right too, b/c i only counted points twice last week); however i realized losing one pound is better than staying the same & a hell of a lot better than gaining...and i also measured myself...so here is a big leap of faith here are the measurements:
hips: 43 3/4 inches
thigh: 25 1/2 inches
fullest part of my stomach: 39 1/4 inches
actual waist: 31 1/2 inches
(not the 36-24-36, but hey i am work in progress)

today as far as dieting goes it was pretty good, especially because my friend, michelle, convinced me (well she yelled at me several times, "no" that i could not have pizza dough balls; i highly recommend them they are delicious, from the Corner Cookout, on High St in Columbus)...well I opted not to get them due to my friend's better judgement; if she wouldn't have been here i probably would have ate all 6 and then had a cookie, so thank you michelle for saving me & my behind...so as far as today goes, the only reason i succeeded & stayed under my points was because of michelle & her persistence to keep me to my points...so the best friend diet award goes too michelle (if you need a diet friend i have her number & can diet whore her out to you if you want)...

day 134 & the diet rolls on; props to michelle...weigh day -1 lbs....& some other measurements...
...until "fun dieting& no more dough balls" tomorrow...


  1. I'm thinking the best line of the day is "I can diet whore her out" :)

  2. i kind of partial to that one too:)
