“...the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why...”(Mark Twain)...
...a child walks into the room and is greeted by a friendly smile, that welcomes them...she points to where the child should put their things, & tells the child in the nicest of voices, come join your friends and let's play...from that moment, the child learns to love education because a teacher took a moment and brought them into a world they love, a world of education...
...a teenager grabs a ball and shoots a lay up and misses; he tries again and to his dismay he misses again...the ball rolls away from him and he turns to walk away; and he hears a familiar voice, and the ball is back in his hands...the same voice says, "as long as you keep trying you can still become a better player..." ...the teenager grabs the ball and misses the lay up again, and goes for the fourth attempt and nails it; he turns to look at the coach who took a moment to tell a kid don't quit...from that moment no challenge is too big for a teenager who learned that quitting was not an option from a coach who stopped and took the time...
...a young designer arrives at his first day of work with the vigor to start his new job, after several meetings and many interactions, the young designer sits to work on a project assigned to him...determined to show his boss and his new coworkers, what he learned and what he can do...his determination led to many hours of hard work...a few days later, he presented his idea, and the room was silent, he missed the mark; his boss as polite as possible delivered the blow and he needed to go back to the drawing board...the young designer left feeling defeated, for the last hours of the day he stared at his computer screen...a member from his team noticed his defeat as she was walking by his desk, and a few minutes later and email popped up on his screen...as he opened the email, a light bulb popped up and a quote; ...“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” (Thomas A. Edison) ...from that moment, a once defeated designer, remerged with a fiery soul & a passion to prove himself, all because someone took a moment to show that even those at the top of their game have all failed at some point...
...a brief second, a word or two...a thought, a belief & without even knowing it can lead to an inspired moment in time...& those that inspire, that left us believing for the next moment, or left us having faith that we can do anything, sometimes do not even realize the impact they have on us...& maybe that is it; we inspire without even knowing it; we leave our mark on this world and don't realize it is our mark, our moment to say i was here...but it SO was...
...a brief second, a word or two...a thought, a belief & without even knowing it can lead to an inspired moment in time...& those that inspire, that left us believing for the next moment, or left us having faith that we can do anything, sometimes do not even realize the impact they have on us...& maybe that is it; we inspire without even knowing it; we leave our mark on this world and don't realize it is our mark, our moment to say i was here...but it SO was...
...so leave your mark, live to be inspired, live to inspire those that come in contact with you...live to live and see what happens, be that coach, or coworker, or teacher, be you & write your moment and see what the world thinks when you walk on by...
...& for all those that i am left in awe by your inspiration in my life, my heart thanks you...
***disclaimer --> i may have included this video, a hot minute ago, can't remember & i know all those that stalk this blog will remember so please forgive if so, if not enjoy, it is good (well i think so)!!!
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