
2012 lessons learned...

day 363...

...at each turn, at the end of every chapter there are lessons learned...things that we hold on to, things that are useful and beneficial when we come to different junctures in our lives...so my lessons for 2012...(well at least some of them;)...

1. it's ok to let go; and when it's time to let go; don't ignore it...

2. time - the greatest gift you can give someone even if its 30 seconds...

3. a handwritten note can be just what someone needs; so take a moment & write one...

4. moments are what defines a lifetime...

5. when God closes a door, He definitely opens a window some where...pay attention...

6. try your best to live in this moment...

7. labne goes with everything (well I knew that but it was confirmed and shared this throughout the year to everyone I know)...

8. faith is not easy and only gets better with practice...

9. even if it hurts keep loving...

10. words are my way of telling the world about me...

<3 LC

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