
You have NOTHING to FEAR...

day 138...

..to SKY DIVE (bucket list)...
...telling someone you are "in like" with them...
...putting yourself out there...
...quitting your job when you have no idea where you are going...
...& the list goes on...of things we prevent ourselves from doing or things that we hold back on b/c of fear...the feeling at the pit of your stomach that you can't quite explain but you know it is there...that terrible feeling that something could go wrong & then what...what really happens...most of the time, you get an answer...& that answer can confirm what you already know or it can destroy what you thought...however either way why not throw fear out of the equation & just go for it...why not jump out of a plane...why not say, "i like you, i really do, what the hell do you think about that?"...why not say i would love to write  & become an author...why not say, this isn't the right fit for me, & then do something totally different...why not b/c the pit in our stomach psyches us out so we don't have to feel pain, we just live in the "what if"...so now what...embrace the fear? or let it rule you?

“Do one thing everyday that scares you.” 
 Eleanor Roosevelt

<3 RG

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