
the call back game 2012 style...

day 152...

...first, here is to the end of may, so that is 152 days gone from the year, 152 blog posts, 5 months gone, 2 months & 15 days until i turn 30, 152 cards written & through it all, i have & continued to love it...so CHEERS...

my little cousin (well she is not little but younger than me, think texting generation) but anyways she, really all of my younger cousins, they are texting everyone they know, i think their text to phone call ratio has to be 100:1...this would include boys; however i learned that there is a waiting game here...one of which i am terrible at...

let us back pedal..remember ladies, back in the day (like less than a decade ago) there was the 3 day rule, a guy would not dare to call before the 3 day mark, any guy that actually called before 3 days had to have something wrong with him...then if he didn't call after the 3 days it was completely over, and then if he called on the 5th, 8th, or 12th day, we would make up some excuse for why he didn't call sooner...then the cycle would repeat itself, until either the relationship evolved or you found a new guy to start the whole process again...

welcome to 2012 version of the call back game that now exists in text form...& i have witnessed this first hand...so if guy texts you, even if the phone is sitting in your hand, DO NOT text him back right away, that is a 'no, no'...instead wait several hours or a day and then text him back...but it doesn't just stop there, & the two of you start a conversation, why would you do that...NOPE, he most likely will not text you back, b/c apparently it would be too easy to just answer you, even if it is simple answer or say i can't talk...so there you are looking at your phone & no response...then when the "appropriate" time has passed he might respond, or you go ahead and send another text asking a very explicit question...which then also makes you look like the beginnings of "annoying girl" but in reality you just want to talk to him; did i mention the idea of actually talking to him is so 2002, so you wouldn't even think about calling him...so after hours, or a day, or the second text, he finally responds to you...instead of ending this crazy game you make him wait...are we getting the picture...

i do not fit in to this waiting game, actually i am the exact opposite, my cousin (the same one i mentioned) refers to me as a super texter, basically i over text, answer when i am not supposed to, and do not wait even a second if i have my phone...cause you know why, WTF is the point...so they think you can't or won't respond, or are so unavailable...i have news for you the whole point of texting is so you can respond when you can't have a 5 hr conversation...

i would say the majority of the world have their phones attached to them...so to take a minute & respond hurts who...no one...& if you cannot respond, then respond when you can, but don't leave someone hanging...& this whole idea of having an entire conversation via text blows my mind as well...i think texting should have the same etiquette as the phone or emailing, so dear phone companies and email companies, create an auto response for texting; they could say the following, "i am busy, will text back later..."  "you suck, please stop texting me..."  "when i ignored not just the first but the fifth text, i hope you would get the hint, HINT, don't text me, i am not going to respond..."  "hey psycho, stop texting..."  "i am sorry you are blocked, get a clue, stop texting me..."  "i have received your text but i am driving, & will respond later..."  & you can even custom your auto-text backs...think about how many lives you could change or rather how much time you can save...

now that i have talked about this for 5 paragraphs too long...go text some one & then wait or dare to be different, don't wait & when they respond, do me a favor just text them the f*#k back...

<3 JS


christian grey, what do we have here...

day 151

a close too but not too close to being a perfect man...despite the red room of pain...yes i realize that i have just written about the books, but this post is quite different due to we are analyzing the man behind the books, well within the book...

Mr. Christian Grey, let us take a gander...
...he had a super messed childhood, was seduced and brought into this world of dominant/submissive...he was adopted by a great family, has become an extremely successful businessman, has homes in 3 states, and a helicopter, has private security if needed, can hack into any computer to obtain any amount of information he wants, is a little lot controlling & protective, is trying to make a difference in the world...can cause you turn fifty shades of grey red, even with a look...has an obsession with eating, has fallen head over heels in love & experiencing a new feeling, one that he does not deem himself worthy to feel, has a therapist, for the most part his chest is off limits, he is willing to change his lifestyle in order to hold on to someone he wants, did i mention he is gorgeous & can turn any girl weak in the knees; however is only interested in one...he will fly across the country for you & buy you super expensive gifts...he is slightly jealous...HELL if i am not describing the perfect man, i don't know what is, if you can't love Christian Grey, then i think you are being too picky, so he has odd behaviors...but once you see past all that...you hear this...

“This is me,... All of me...and I'm all yours. What do I have to do to make you realize that? To make you see that I want you any way I can get you. That I love you.” 


“You wanted hearts and flowers,” he murmurs.
I blink at him, not quite believing what I’m seeing.
“You have my heart.” And he waves toward the room.
“And here are the flowers,” I whisper, completing his sentence."


“You’re the only person I’d fly three thousand miles to see.” 

& while he is saying that these are the thoughts that run through your head...

“He makes me graceful, that's his skill. He makes me sexy, because that's what he is. He makes me feel loved, because in spite of his fifty shades, he has a wealth of love to give.” 

so the question remains...

“There's a joy in my helplessness, joy in my surrender to him, and to know that he can lose himself in me the way he wants to. I can do this. He takes me to these dark places, places I didn't know existed, and together we fill them with blinding light. Oh yes...blazing, blinding light."

...are you willing to be "Christian Grey-ed?"

<3 SG



day 150...

life is all about those moments & all those people that make it what it is...one of my favorite sayings is, "God doesn't bring you the people (things) you want, He brings you the people you need..."  & even though we want this, He knows we need this...& looking back there are so moments i feel so blessed to be a part of...those people that fill my heart with so much happiness...it is indescribable...so for those moments i share these, not that i don't have my own (well i didn't youtube mine;)...but these moments i am sharing are all ones we can relate too...

the moments we feel inspired to make a change....

the moments that can last only seconds so we must take advantage of them...

the moments when we cannot carry on alone, so God gives us people to help us through..

the moments when a surprise comes when you least expect it (ps to all those whose serve/served, my deepest appreciation & respect)

the moments when our dreams come true...

...for living life, for thanking God for all those moments & all those people that make it that much better...

<3 JP



day 149...

Thunder Storms

"The thunder cracks!
How unreal.
Something with such power,
sporadic and unpredictable.
A wicked trick,
with the epitome of strength.
I'm in no place of fear.
As i shouldn't be.
Fear is the root of power,
as fear inspires power.
But be aware.
Nature makes sure
man knows it's place.☮
The torrential rain drops,
falling ever faster.
They sing the symphony of the skies
and you may just learn a little something.☮
There is an epic drum roll,
that the thunder beats.
The lightning dances along,
with an earth shattering pliƩ,
across the skies.☮"
(Luke Britsch)

For the past 2 sundays i have driven back at the start of thunderstorms...i love storms, not so much while i am driving but when i am at home, in my bed...about to fall asleep...i find them so calming and peaceful...it is almost as if it is God's way of soothing you in to sleep...i love them...& i actually wish at every moment i go to sleep a storm is waiting for me...so here is too tonight & sleeping while it storms...
<3 CD


diners drive-ins & dives

day 148...

...do you eat, more importantly do you like to eat?...not just to eat but for the pure joy of it...do you like local joints with their own twist of good food?...well i do...i love food (shocker) & i love watching diners, drive-ins, & dives...if you never seen it, Guy Fieri drives all over the country and visits local restaurants that are sensations b/c of their cuisines (to be honest i would LOVE & i totally think nick, HangOverEasy deserves to be on...all in good in time)...they discuss the restaurants cuisines & i love when the they take a dish & then spin it to their own flavor...you will see a typical restaurant, restaurants in a truck, southern cuisine, backyard barbecue, i really don't think there is a limit...so for a little taste ;)...

<3 DW


P.S. I Love You...

day 147...

dear that PERSON..

realizing that i am not sure where this is GOING...and you probably do not even know that i am WAITING ever so patiently for YOU...however i have to let YOU know...that no matter what it is not ALWAYS going to be EASY and there will be DAYS that you want to kill me but i PROMISE that no matter what i will stick with YOU, i will be there no matter what...that we will CELEBRATE winning together as well as LEARN from losing...i promise that when those MOMENTS hit you and it seems as if life becomes UNBEARABLE, i will be there in your corner SUPPORTING you, BELIEVING in you...knowing that by being a part of your LIFE, i am better ME, & that you EMBRACE all that is me, and challenge me to be a BETTER me, i will FOREVER be thankful for YOU for that & reciprocate the same gesture...i will HOLD you when you NEED me and LET GO when you ask...i will ALWAYS be there ready to LISTEN to, converse with and even some TIMES when their seems like NO WORDS can help, i will just BE...as we grow in FAITH, and relish in HOPE we will remain STRONG as one & even stronger together...YOU will be you, & I will be me, but together we will ALWAYS be us, two PEOPLE who just by chance were BLESSED to meet at that MOMENT & go from there to here...so as we CELEBRATE, laugh, cry, BELIEVE, hope, pray, & LIVE we do so forever as US...&
                      P.S i Love you...

<3 TC


the art of facetiming...& swamp people...

day 146...

this is the most randomest two parter EVER...you are forewarned...& remember to just live in the moment & read on...

do you have an apple product...well if you do there is the beautiful feature called facetime, & if you haven't used it, i suggest that you get on it, and start...it is thee most awesomest thing you will have ever encountered...the ability to talk to someone who doesn't live in the same city as you, is so freakin' cool...and i have nieces and nephews that with a touch of a button i get to see their faces...i love it...it makes living away a little bit easier...the concept of seeing a person's face that you miss so much fills my heart with so much joy...so just do it...

...do you watch the history channel...no, neither do i, however i do watch swamp people...& as i am typing i just saw one of the reasons why this show is so entertaining...one of the hunters of the crocs was just shown on tv with jean overalls, no shirt required & a bandana, pretty sure underneath was a mullet...no just long gray hair...now among these fine gentelmen hunting & killing crocs in the bayou for their livelihood (which i have no probs with...) in order for you to understand what is happening throughout the show, they use subtitles...no, i know what you are thinking, they are american, they speak english i think, but if you want to know their strategies, you will have to read not listen to understand....the show in itself is fascinating & how they catch crocs...so check it...& enjoy you some swamp people...

<3 JK


my whole other world...

day 145...

...i have a whole other world, that i love...it is a part of me that i experienced for the first time over 8-10 years ago...the first time i encountered this whole other world was when i was sitting in a college class and a woman stepped up and started talking about the school/program she worked with...to engage myself in this topic more, i started volunteering in a classroom & i fell in love with this other world...this journey took me to meet my best friend, who also introduced me further into this world...& i fell completely in love, so i pursued harder into this world, i took classes, and even stepped further out there, & took classes at another school so as to obtain more skills to function in this world...eventually over the course of time i met some amazing people and had some of the best experiences...& then i got a job where i was able to teach in this other world...it wasn't just my job, the world was/is a passion and i was able to interact socially within my other world...

this other world, that i am blessed to have experienced...the Deaf world, & even though i no longer teach Deaf kids (whom i loved, it was the other sh*# that i hated, another story, another blog)...i still want to be a part of this world i discovered not so long ago...so i got involved within the Deaf community in GR, i am going back to obtain my interpreting license (i should have finished a long time ago; but thought i had all the time in the world, wrong i was & mom you were right)...i am trying to stay connected to this world that showed me whole new way to communicate, who allowed me to witness and learn about history and tradition...who let me in & interact...

i have a whole other world, that fills my heart & soul...the Deaf world...

if you have never experienced anything Deaf or their language American Sign Language (ASL), please take a moment and do so, when someone is skilled in this language the way they move their hands to communicate is so peaceful and quite an art...your eyes will be opened to a whole new world...

a video of ASL interpretation of Grenade...

ps...at the age of 35, God willing, i will be adopting a Deaf kid...bucket list, check it!

<3 KH


patrick swayze + dancing + jennifer grey =

day 144...

one of my favorite movies, dirty dancing

...ok lets be serious the dialogue throughout the whole movie was terrible..."nobody puts baby in the corner..." "you're wild!" really not great writing but the premise behind this whole movie i love & i will watch time and time again...i love the scenes & the dancing, ohh my so fun...it is so awesome...b/c i have had the time of my life thus far...i leave with you this...(yes i know short & to the point, enjoy) & yes wait for it, as it is nick's favorite part...as johnny jumps off the stage...SO GOOD!

<3 SP


what did the blackberry ever do to you...

day 143

dear world,

for some reason you have decided to abandon me...maybe cause my internet is slow or i cannot move as fast as dare i say it, the iphone or some androids can...but do you remember how good we used to be together & now you have upgraded to a younger, faster model...you know what they say, they can't stay that way forever & one day their looks & speed will go and then they will be in the same place i am...you have to remember the good times, like how awesome it is to type an email on my keyboard, how quick & efficient, or how you can manage up to several different emails...& keep a very organized schedule...or what about BBM, you know you loved that & how amazing it was to chat with all your friends...can't you just hold on to those memories & overlook that my internet is like dial up, or that you be better off looking at a real map to get directions quicker...i guess not...i guess you will all move on & leave me, to the few that choose to hold on & think and hope that eventually i will hang with the big boys one day...just remember we were good at one time, and you thought i was the sh#*...!

love always,
your long lost friend, blackberry

<3 WG 

ADELE, how did i go...

day 142

...so long & not mention ADELE...

(disclaimer, yes i know there wasn't a post yesterday, blame my bed :)...lucky you, you get a twofer...so enjoy)

if you have not heard her (i have no idea how could you not & maybe you are not in to mainstream music); but i LOVE adele...i love her soulful music, i love that she can describe exactly how i am feeling in one song...& she makes me smile, she makes my heart feel like its not the only out there feeling this type of emotion...her voice is amazing, i love her style...& i honestly do not care if people think she is so overdone...i think she is talented & i would love to be in an intimate concert hall & listen to her live...

so here you go, four of my favorite adele songs...

Someone Like You...
One & Only...

Don't You Remember...

Make You Feel My Love...

<3 LS


fifty shades of OMG

day 141...

well i think is about time we had a little chat about these books that everyone is talking about on the NY Times Best Sellers...yep, talking about the Fifty series, starting with Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, & ending with Fifty Shades Freed...now i am only in the second book however...OMG to what i have read thus far...now i know what they are calling it, 'mommy porn' & i know that it is over the top provocative...but the reality of it, i like the books a lot so far...i love the development of the 2 main characters...my interest was peeked at the beginning due to the content but my interest has remained b/c i want to see what happens with the two of them separately & together...

...so b/c i am super enjoying does this make me some kind of freak? should i not talk about b/c the content is so risque?...i think not, b/c my version & interpretation of this book is seeing past all of that; the parts that are so "blushed face; most likely not appropriate, are the parts that i do not necessarily need to read or those parts don't make the book what it is; i got to the point where i was like, ok i get it, moving on...the story that surrounds the characters is what i want, the other parts are just details...

...do i recommend this one, yes i do...now i haven't gotten through them all, so i will be back to let you know...but for now i dare you to let yourself become a part of this tantalizing relationship and be & just enjoy every shade...

& PS this should stay just as they are as books, & NOT become a movie....

<3 PA


a day...

day 140...

what a day...do you ever have one of those days that you feel so at peace with everything about it...all the parts make you smile...& even though there are those moments of stress; the overall day just has moments that add up too wonderfulness...

this was that kind of day...i participated in 2 Relay For Life Events...which made feel good, that i am part of this cause that is trying to find a cure for cancer...the event is so emotional for me; but at the same time represents so so much hope...then i picked up my aunt stella from her house & had some QT with her...& just lived in that moment of being with her, knowing that it will never be repeated...i caught up with a friend...then i finished my day by celebrating my brother, nick & my mom with some amazing family & friends...my nieces, nephews, & cousins all played with each other...we ate, we chatted, we ate some more & we got to be with each other...to put the icing on the cake we came back to my parent's house & laughed and chatted some more...it was just one of those days that filled my heart with joy that i was able to be a part of all of this...this thing called my life & at this very moment i feel blessed to just be...

wow, what a day, a day to hold on to, to place in my heart, a reminder to be thankful always for those days & the so many other days of my life...

<3 HH


Remember...Celebrate...Fight Back

day 139

there is an event that the american cancer society puts on throughout the nation, called Relay For Life...the event itself can be held up for 24 hours...the concept behind it, being that cancer never sleeps so for those hours we join those in their fight...millions of people come together to remember, celebrate & fight back...i encourage you to find the relay in your area & become a part it...we all know someone who has been touched by cancer; and we all know it would be the greatest day ever, if no one had to hear those words, "i have cancer."...so join in the fight...

part of this event is the luminaria ceremony, bags with candles light up the track with names of those who have been touched by cancer, & then at dusk a ceremony is held in their honor...this ceremony among other reasons is my reason to relay...watch it, take it in, & then grab your walking shoes & join us...

<3 MA


You have NOTHING to FEAR...

day 138...

..to SKY DIVE (bucket list)...
...telling someone you are "in like" with them...
...putting yourself out there...
...quitting your job when you have no idea where you are going...
...& the list goes on...of things we prevent ourselves from doing or things that we hold back on b/c of fear...the feeling at the pit of your stomach that you can't quite explain but you know it is there...that terrible feeling that something could go wrong & then what...what really happens...most of the time, you get an answer...& that answer can confirm what you already know or it can destroy what you thought...however either way why not throw fear out of the equation & just go for it...why not jump out of a plane...why not say, "i like you, i really do, what the hell do you think about that?"...why not say i would love to write  & become an author...why not say, this isn't the right fit for me, & then do something totally different...why not b/c the pit in our stomach psyches us out so we don't have to feel pain, we just live in the "what if"...so now what...embrace the fear? or let it rule you?

“Do one thing everyday that scares you.” 
 Eleanor Roosevelt

<3 RG



day 137...

1st...happy happy to mama...its her berfday today...so i am thanking God for my wonderful blessing & celebrating her...i am better me b/c i have her...

...the movie, UP...is so good, the story is about two best friends that could not be more opposite & they end up falling in love with each other & make a life together...they are there for each other & support one another...they dream together, and dance together & are "honest to goodness" in love with each other...the wife ends up dying & the husband decides to finish her dream for her....yep this is me, i do not care that it is a disney movie...i want that kind of love...when you watch the videos, the whole time she is always reaching for him & his face lights up just at the very touch of her...there is an "UP" man out there for everyone...

for living UP love...

<3 HB


time to smile...& color of course...

day 136...

back by popular demand, an ode to coloring post...

so today as i am walking around michael's, yes i love crafts (& nick would insert the comment, that i am a big dork)...i love the idea that you create something so unique to you, with whatever talents you are blessed with...i should also probably add in, that i was talking to nick while in michael's (ironic)...

so i am walking, walking, walking & i stop in front of the coloring books...might i also add that whatever happened to just coloring books, why do we need activity books; i just want to color, i don't need to find my way through a maze or pick which two pictures are identical....i just want to color...so can you guess what i did, found the best "just" coloring book i could find & i bought it...& then before writing this blog, i grabbed my illy coffee (see i am an adult just with childish tendencies), colored two pictures, with my twistable crayons...& what you get is a masterpiece of a blue eyed dog & a multi-color cat with a multi-color yarn ball....who says coloring was for kids...
My Masterpiece...

& to top my night off, it was thundering/lightening & raining...the best way to sleep...


<3 LS



day 135...

i have spoken about this person's blog before, but that was specific to one topic where i received inspiration for a blog post...& even though she made me so happy with her last three posts, that is not the only reason why i am giving her a shout out...this blogger, artist, believer, worker bee, designer, however you want to categorize her is SO TALENTED...so she deserves a shout out (& even though i have millions two readers) on my blog to showcase her pictures, her design work, her talent, her passion for life...& trust me you will feel excited & a smile will instantly show up on your face after reading or viewing one of her posts...the live version of this person is much the same way, she has an infectious attitude...so ms. elyse, somewhere in between, cheers to you, you are going places...thank you for sharing...

<3 PA


the moment...

...where it comes to an end...but lasts a lifetime...

day 134...

a moment in time is almost priceless; because those moments that are so meaningful, & awesome always seem to come & go so quickly...you record these moments in your heart so it can remain with you forever & you could relive every second of it...

what are these moments i speak of...they are the moments when your nephew hugs your entire face...or your niece runs to greet you...or when nothing in the world matters but a conversation with your mom...these are the moments where a niece or nephew says your name & your heart melts...they are where you see a glimpse of what someone used to be & you hold on to that glimpse for dear life...they are the moments that make your whole being smile...the moments when you have a group chat with your brothers & sisters...they are the moments in a hug from that just right person...the moments of hope where you are the one they choose....moments of laughter when you need nothing else to do but laugh...a moment of letting your guard down & just being...the moments a mother & daughter share that no one can duplicate...they are moments of purpose & moments of randomness...the moments where or heart holds on, and then the moments when your heart lets go...they are unique, but also similar...they are moments specific to one action or several in a row...they are YOUR MOMENTS...

<3 JC

ps...wishing all the mothers, a happy happy day...many blessings always...

“But that’s the trouble with moments—they end." ~Narrator” 
 S. M. Boyce, Lichgates



day 133

“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.” (mother teresa)

<3 BPL



day 132

...remember the days when pain would come & go & now as i stare across from you...i see the pain has reeked havoc on your whole body & you appear defeated...the pain seeps through your eyes, engulfing your mind & body, but for one day, one hour, one second, one moment, i would take away that sadness, that hurt, i would take away your pain...i would ask God to give it all to me even if those moments were only a few, in order to see the smile, i knew from before, creep across your face...cause i know behind the stings of the pain, lingers happiness waiting to show up...the pain would be no more & a peace could fill your heart...& for those moments, where the pain occupied, there would be a light, that gave you time to just be...even though i would take the pain in a heartbeat, i know cannot, & you have to endure this pain which seems unfair at times...but know that God put me here for a reason, He put me here for you, to at least soothe the pain, to feel less raw, or maybe to be the shoulder or the ear...if for nothing else to lessen the pain that has damaged you so...ohh, how i would take the PAIN away...

"peace i leave with you, my peace i give unto you..." (jn. 14:27)

<3 JGC


a shout out for you...

day 131...

this ones for you j...

if for no other reason you read this blog today, go to this facebook page, Jason Zogaib Memorial Race & hit like, then share it with your friends...then if you are going to be in the Toledo, Bedford, Temperance area (if you are a runner & like 5K's and want to come in for the day) for June 16th, do yourself a favor & exercise for a good cause...here is the link for Jason Zogaib's 5K! He was great, an amazing person, so in his honor we come together & run/walk and give back to his community...

all me love, my angel in the sky...

<3 AM


crazy dreams...do come true...

day 130

the stars were aligned today...first, it was manager meeting wednesday and we talked about our dreams, no matter how small or big they were & then tonight after watching one of my favorite shows, SMASH, i, of course, got sucked into the music from the show & re-stumbled on this song, Crazy Dreams, which is actually so fitting & it reaffirmed this blog post...DREAMS do come true, EVEN the crazy ones...

so what are your dreams, crazy or not, what are they...dreams allow for us to hope in all the possibilities of what could be...

MY DREAMS of being a purpose in your life...that i am blessed by your presence & that i return the favor and fulfill whatever purpose i need too...that MY DREAM of leaving my mark (i have mentioned this before)...God created us & made each of us uniquely different, & each with their own set of gifts & talents...so in making us, He (well i would like to think He) DREAMED for us to leave a positive mark in this world, which is MY DREAM, leave a little mark that says i was here...A DREAM of helping the company i work for to achieve a household name...MY DREAM of seeing those that i love radiate with happiness from the inside out & taking pain from them...A DREAM to walk the red carpet in some capacity, i think my red carpet that i am leaning more toward is the Tony's, music (even though i sound like a geese dying) fills my soul and makes it smile...THE BEST DREAM of having a 4 day work week...A DREAM of vacationing with my mom & my sister every year... THE DREAM to interpret for some type of performance, & meet Ms. Marlee Matlin & a broadway star or 2 (my cousin will be a star so i'm well on my way;)...MY DREAM to live & be in the city, in a loft in SoHo & ride the subway to & from work, or walk, and sit at 71 Irving Place with a cup of coffee & have a live convo with JZ...A DREAM of having a personal jet, or driver depending on the distance so i can visit my family & friends in a matter of minutes or hours...A DREAM of time not being an issue (if you know me at all you know i have issues with this one & wish it didn't exist), so that those moments that need to last one minute longer can & those that need to end can end faster...A DREAM of a girls' weekend...THE DREAM of showing my nieces & nephews that hate is just a word not a reality...A DREAM of being a mama, like my mom...THE DREAM of "the one" & i being drawn together & it being easy & amazing as the sun rising & setting...A DREAM of a home with a wrap around porch...THE DREAM of no one hearing the words, "i have cancer"...THE DREAM of being a published writer...A DREAM of making the world a better place in all capacities...

no matter the dream, crazy or not they are yours...life is about dreaming big, which ironically allows us to LIVE in this crazy thing called life...

Dreams, if they're any good, are always a little bit crazy. ”
― Ray Charles

<3 AB


it was like...magic...

day 129

in 1993 a romantic comedy, Sleepless in Seattle came out, starring Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks & that is where my favorite scene comes from & one my most favoritest lines ever...

Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: Tell me what was so special about your wife? 
Sam Baldwin: Well, how long is your program? Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together... and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home... only to no home I'd ever known... I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like... magic. 

...it was like magic, if for nothing else you need to hold on to something you hold on to that line alone...do you believe in magic...i do, it is possible, for magic to happen whether it be life in general or more specifically in a relationship...magic is the thing that happens to you when you are least expecting it...it is amazing and most times indescribable, & it can be the grandest of things to the smallest action you would not expect it to be...its magic, you can't define it according to you b/c it is ever changing & the perspective changes for each person...

magic for a little kid maybe waking up to see carrots & cookies eaten & the best bicycle sitting under a stuffed tree...

magic to a parent may be their child taking their first steps towards them or even their steps to accept a diploma...

magic to a teenager is the taste of freedom, even if it is only driving to the grocery store...

magic to an young adult is falling in love like you have never fallen; where you realize that person loves you despite you being you...

magic to an elderly person is knowing you lived...to know you have loved...

magic to anyone, maybe a smile coming across someone's face for no apparent reason...

magic is the unexplainable but fills you up with hope...magic is the impossible happening...magic is...

to all the magic, to believing in the magic...

<3 KWS


what is happening with the world...

day 128...

...or rather where have all the people gone...

so apparently i am sucking hard core or the blogger counter thing-amig is no longer working...b/c literally in the past 2-3 days of blogging only 1 person has looked at my different posts...which means i must remind myself to thank my mother & start paying people more to read this blog of mine...

i feel like that scene in ferris bueller where i just keep yellin and no one is listening..speaking of isn't that a great movie...i mean a whole movie based on a kid skipping school and pulling a fast one over on his parents...only to end up having a great day with his best friend and girlfriend...absolutely hysterical....i love the scene where they are in the streets of chicago...a little twist & shout...

enjoy this for what it is (yes, i know you are thinking a load of crap) but take it for me being me & writing a whole lot of nothings, but maybe in the end they are a whole lot of everything (& see, i try to go all philosophical on you, and it makes no sense)...if nothing else click the links & relive a great 1980s movie...

& then sit back, and hope & pray that tomorrow i will bring you something even more entertaining...

HAPPY MONDAY (cause its over)

<3 HM


sundays = let's check it...

day 127...

being that it is sunday i am thinking we shall have a little chat about things that make me smile...it is always good to recap this, since it is ever changing...

a. coloring (& i know i have talked about already) but literally i love it & i did it today, thank you nina for the pleasure...

b.  newsies does not only have fabulous music, the movie is so awesome

c.  i am obsessed
with this picture; it is the epitome of the six of us...& captures us ohh so well...

d.  the weekend seriously needs to be 3 days long, who do we have to talk about this...

e.  thunderstorms are the most glorious things in the world especially when you get to sleep or cuddle during them

f.  i love food (ohh wait i said that already; ahh well confessions of a true fat kid)

g.  if i could be any where, i would be sitting in a coffee shop, drinking a cup of coffee, writing...& time would not be an issue...

h.  getting older isn't all that bad...it just means those that are old are getting older & we have to cherish them even more...

i.  i want a bike with a basket...

j,  i wish had powers like samantha from bewitched so she could clean my apartment and do other things for me...so i had more time...

k.  the more i hear the less i understand about men & women...

l.  i know i said the opposite before, but i kind of really want an iphone...i know i caved...

m.  in hot yoga there is a camel pose & it makes me smile...

n.  each & everyday i live to be inspired...

o.  if you have bad karma, own it so you can move on...

<3 HK

strange things are happening...

day 126...

i cannot believe it, oops i did it again (laugh it was a stupid joke)...i have hit a lull & keep falling asleep when i should be blogging...

some times i go back & check to see if i wrote about topics that i am about to embark on...b/c i want to keep it original, however i am not even sure it would matter if i did, a lot of my topics overlap & for that matter i am pretty sure my numbers have dropped off; either i have become even more lame than before or people are just sick of me & my blog blabbing...however i must keep forging ahead if for no other reason than to entertain a few & keep my goal to do it for 366 (leap year remember) days...so read on...

i am at a pivotal point...it is kind of like a diet...you hit a plateau & you have to push the wall in order to get to the other side...so that is where i am at...it is not all that i do not want to write my blog anymore...i actually love it, i love writing about anything and everything & it is my release at the end of the day...i just wait too long & get too tired (hell, i am gettin old, these things tend to happen)...but i am not willing to give up, even if everyone gets so annoyed they stop reading...i have to do it for me...& then if that one, two or fifty read it & it brings a smile to their faces, then i am better me b/c of it...

this one is for yesterday...& it is about admitting that i have missed some days of blogging & i have even gotten a day or two (or 7) behind on my cards...but i catch up...life isn't about dwelling on your mistakes its about learning from them so as not repeat them again...

this is not nearing the end, i shall prevail...& thank you again for joining me in this journey...

<3 MD

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” 
 Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn


call a spade a spade...

day 125...

well i have mentioned (over mentioned) how much i love thought catalog...almost to the point that is what i am blogging about...well i think the articles are spot on for the most part...so why not impart wisdom or amuse the 6-13 people who read my blog...

here are two amazing articles & then...

A Letter to Everyone Who Won't Stop Asking Why I'm Single... (the funny thing is or irony is  it just so happens a "danielle" signs this letter...can we say random...

Why I'm Not Upset About Being Single...

Finally...i will past this one within the blog as well as the link...this one is so true (well according to me)
5 pieces of Dating Advice You Should Never Take...

5 Pieces Of Dating Advice You Should Never Take
MAY. 4, 2012 

<3 CZ


words to live by...

day 124...

"Find a Passion & Pursue It...
...Fall in Love...Dream Big...
Drink Wine...Eat Great Food & 
Spend Quality Time with Good Friends...
Laugh Everyday...Believe in Magic...
Tell Stories...
Reminisce about the Good Old Days but Look with Optimism to the Future...
Travel Often...
Learn More...Be Creative...
Spend Time with People You Admire...
Seize Opportunities when they Reveal Themselves...
Love with ALL Your Heart...
Never Give Up...Do What You Love...
Be True to Who You Are...
Make Time to Enjoy the Simple Things in Life...
Spend Time with Family...Forgive Even When It's Hard...
Smile Often...Be Grateful...
Be The Change You Wish to See in the World...
Follow Your Dreams...Have Faith
Try New Things...Work Hard...
Don't Count the Minutes...Count the Laughs...
Embrace Change...Trust in Yourself...
Be Thankful...Be Nice to Everyone...
Be Happy...Live for Today...

...is there any other way to live??

<3 JP 

"let me be your star..."

day 123...

--so i keep falling asleep; however i am not going to quit...so here is a quick listen from my favorite TV show, SMASH!

enjoy, & be thankful this one so short :)!

<3 PB


just five more minutes...

day 122

...are you worth the wait...are you worth that five more minutes of waiting for that person to realize that you are it for them...or should you walk away, hoping that they do not turn around at the exact same moment only to realize they lost you...and now it is too late...

their moment has passed, & you have moved on...you are walking away leaving them behind you...and at that very same moment, it hurts...it hurts so much that you almost can't breathe...but you know you cannot wait any longer; b/c they might never realize it...so in order for you to live you must walk the other way & not wait any longer...

so what makes them worth it, the little glimpses of hope they provide for you...the smile they bring to your face...the maybe that they might figure it out and everything/anything they ever wanted is right there...that there is no point in waiting around...that they need to embrace the moment...that your heart doesn't think it can function, so it waits...what is that thing that makes them worth it...

how long will you wait, knowing in the back of your head life is too short & while you are waiting; life is happening and you are missing out on some of the best parts...

<3 JF