
...so long 2012...

day 366...

...what a year and now it is coming to end...this is it...no more blogging (your thought: thank God in heaven she will stop;)...but who knows what 2013 will bring and you never know what might come up and when I feel the need to write a sentence or two...but thank you for all those that took a moment to read one, seven, or all my posts...thank you for taking a moment to come into my world, crazy and random at times...but thank you for going along with me on this ride of 30...

...as i look back at 2012..i will look back...

...too many laughs to count, all the celebrations of love and lives...i will look up and smile at heaven & all those looking down on me...i will look back and cry at the things that may have hurt...i will remember the tears that have fallen but also remember the good times i have shared...i will pause for a moment to hold on to all the fun adventures over the year...remember all the lessons i learned that now make me better and smarter...I will be forever grateful at all those people who have touched my life...remember that this was the year that I let go, and felt peace...I will be forever blessed with all those that celebrated my 30th with me...and came along for this chapter in my life...

...so here is to what i have held on to, to what have i let go and for everything in between...so long 2012...welcome to 2013...

<3 JC


...the card project comes to an end...

day 365...

...after my friend sent me a letter an idea transpired...an idea that what if I took a minute out of my day to send a little note and then the idea came to life...and after many stamps, lots of paper (good thing i work for the company who knows a little bit about paper, thank you Design Design) and several notes to people stalking them for their address, the project is finished...

...the list (contrary to belief there is no importance in the order) of all the people who have touched my life, whether it be for seconds, minutes, hours, years and I had my chance to say thank you...thank you for touching my life in such a profound way that I am forever changed...now I know there is some that I missed and i hope in the upcoming year I remember to send a note & to just write notes when I feel it...but for now my heart thanks you...

Card Project 2012...

1. 1.15.12 Stella Kallil
2. 1.16.12 Andy Coleman
3. 1.16.12 Phil Lash
4. 1.17.12 Courtney Mix Davis
5. 1.18.12 Dave Gomer
6. 1.18.12 Tony Thompson
7. 1.19.12 Jeff Kallil
8. 1.20.12 Gina Horne Martinez
9. 1.20.12 Joe Zogaib
10. 1.21.12 Marsha Bracken
11. 1.21.12 Dorothy Kardatzke
12. 1.22.12 Tony Pedro
13. 1.23.12 Mary Ann Davis
14. 1.24.12 Rachel Saksa
15. 1.25.12 Donald Kallil
16. 1.26.12 Alayna Pedro
17. 1.27.12 Tom Zogaib
18. 1.28.12 Donna Howell
19. 1.29.12 John Collart
20. 1.30.12 Lucia Pedro
21. 1.30.12 Abe Saad
22. 1.31.12 Scott McCrary
23. 2.1.12 Christi Cross
24. 2.2.12 Kate Pedro
25. 2.3.12 Barb Atherine
26. 2.4.12 Angie Smith
27. 2.5.12 Andrea Kanaan
28. 2.6.12 Mary (g-ma) Pedro
29. 2.7.12 Katie Sterns
30. 2.8.12 Mandi Randall
31. 2.9.12 John S. Pedro
32. 2.10.12 Nancy Martin
33. 2.10.12 Andrea Pagels
34. 2.11.12 Jenn Nance
35. 2.11.12 Brian Guappone
36. 2.12.12 Emily Atherine
37. 2.13.12 Elizabeth Kallil
38. 2.14.12 Barbara Assatly
39. 2.15.12 Carol Broderick
40. 2.16.12 Janet Majoy
41. 2.17.12 Maggie Pedro
42. 2.18.12 Emily Benedict
43. 2.19.12 Diane Scott
44. 2.20.12 George Gusses
45. 2.21.12 Kristin D'Amore
46. 2.22.12 Kim Nance
47. 2.23.12 Gabriella Pedro
48. 2.23.12 Bridget Bockey
49. 2.24.12 Alison Gusses
50. 2.25.12 Christa Shalhoub
51. 2.26.12 Charlie Assatly
52. 2.27.12 Alex Pagels
53. 2.28.12 Debbie Zogaib
54. 2.29.12 Jessica Porter Buscemi
55. 3.1.12 Anthony Pedro
56. 3.1.12 George Pedro
57. 3.2.12 Marie Zogaib
58. 3.3.12 Sandy Matt
59. 3.3.12 Jeff Jones
60. 3.4.12 Lila S. Zogaib
61. 3.5.12 Mary Ann Maloley
62. 3.6.12 Phyllis David
63. 3.6.12 Michelle Moujaes
64. 3.7.12 Jessica Lawrence
65. 3.7.12 Olivia Kallil
66. 3.8.12 Kathy Chalhoub
67. 3.9.12 Bobby Goldyn
68. 3.9.12 Amanda Kanaan
69. 3.10.12 Francesca Pedro
70. 3.10.12 Angie Staten
71. 3.11.12 Marque-Ann Davis
72. 3.12.12 Bill Heidrich
73. 3.13.12 Jessica Zogaib
74. 3.14.12 Steve Somppii
75. 3.15.12 Tara Hackem
76. 3.16.12 Don David
77. 3.17.12 Jennifer Kallil
78. 3.18.12 Lori Giuliani
79. 3.19.12 Kristen Abraham
80. 3.20.12 Fr. Dave Reinhart
81. 3.21.12 Melissa Lago-Jones
82. 3.22.12 Nina Kallil
83. 3.23.12 Kim Pagels
84. 3.24.12 Paul Kanaan
85. 3.25.12 Katie Prins
86. 3.26.12 Nick Pedro
87. 3.27.12 Robert Kallil
88. 3.28.12 Ava Lago Jones
89. 3.29.12 Wanda Mudwiler
90. 3.30.12 Susan Birnbaum
91. 3.31.12 Marisa Pedro
92. 4.1.12 Cheryl Boynton
93. 4.2.12 Peg O'Hearn
94. 4.3.12 Marianne Schlick
95. 4.4.12 Marie Frimodig
96. 4.5.12 Mary McCartney
97. 4.6.12 Tom Vituj
98. 4.7.12 John Pedro (dad)
99. 4.8.12 Maia Lago Jones
100. 4.9.12 Kate Dowling
101. 4.10.12 Lynne Benzer
102. 4.11.12 Nancy Miller
103. 4.12.12 Dan Kanaan
104. 4.13.12 Len Simons
105. 4.14.12 Laura Kallil
106. 4.15.12 Leslie Sukup
107. 4.16.12 Anthony Abraham
108. 4.17.12 Amira Pedro
109. 4.18.12 Denise Gilbert
110. 4.19.12 Jackie Domin
111. 4.20.12 Kate Simons
112. 4.21.12 Amelie Lago-Jones
113. 4.22.12 Cena Pedro
114. 4.23.12 Alexis Scott
115. 4.24.12 Susan Beavers
116. 4.25.12 Tabby Gilbert
117. 4.26.12. Nick Kanaan
118. 4.27.12 Alex Nicola
119. 4.28.12 Kamel Ansara
120. 4.29.12 Jonathan Davis
121. 4.30.12 Michelle Benzie
122. 5.1.12 Jill Ferner
123. 5.2.12 Pete Bower
124. 5.3.12 Joe Pedro
125. 5.4.12 Chad Zeunen
126. 5.5.12. Mike Damas
127. 5.6.12 Heather Kurtz
128. 5.7.12. Hillary Miller
129. 5.8.12 Katie Walsh Spenthoff
130. 5.9.12 Arianna Bond
131. 5.10.12 Amber Moore
132. 5.11.12 Jessica Gilbert Connor
133. 5.12.12 Brooke Pauley Lord
134. 5.13.12 Jeremy Cousino
135. 5.14.12 Pete Atherine
136. 5.15.12 Liza Simrell
137. 5.16.12 Holly Bain
138. 5.17.12 Robin Gomer
139. 5.18.12 Michelle Azar
140. 5.19.12 Holly Hamed
141. 5.20.12 Petee Atherine
142. 5.21.12. Lizz Steinmetz
143. 5.22.12. Will Gusses
144. 5.23.12 Shannon Pauley
145. 5.24.12. Kevin Hall
146. 5.25.12 Joe Kanaan
147. 5.26.12 Tony Chalhoub
148. 5.27.12. Denyse Woods
149. 5.28.12. Chrissy Daniel
150. 5.29.12. JJ Pedro
151. 5.30.12 Sue Gusses
152. 5.31.12 Juanita Slaman
153. 6.1.12 Bridget Findlay
154. 6.2.12 Megan Boothroyd
155. 6.3.12 Lisa Kallil
156. 6.4.12 Jackie Shellabarger
157. 6.5.12 Liz Poppenhouse
158. 6.6.12 Missy David
159. 6.7.12 Ray Davis
160. 6.8.12 Eileen Durham
161. 6.9.12. Carole Abboud
162. 6.10.12 Lynn Hannig
163 6.11.12 John Broderick
164. 6.12.12 Judi Saba
165 6.13.12 George D'Amore
166. 6.14.12 Lindsay Gusses
167. 6.15.12. Mitch Howard
168. 6.16.12. Anna Nicholas
169. 6.17.12 Colleen Kanaan
170. 6.18.12 Doug Skaff
171. 6.19.12 Loretta Kallil
172. 6.20.12 Ann Brothers
173. 6.21.12 Kari Sharp
174. 6.22.12 Kristen Braxmaier
175. 6.23.12 Gaye Alverson
176. 6.24.12 George Saba
177. 6.25.12 Kim Ansara
178. 6.26.12 Leah Kanaan
179. 6.27.12 Dawn Evans
180. 6.28.12 Tammy Sharp
181. 6.29.12 Mary Bain
182. 6.30.12 Caitlin Taylor
183. 7.1.12 Laura Pedro
184. 7.2.12 Lisa Groendal
185. 7.3.12 Marilyn Creech
186. 7.4.12 Kirk Griffes
187. 7.5.12 Bo Durham
188. 7.6.12 Ann Franz
189. 7.7.12 Colleen Taylor
190. 7.8.12 Dianna Riffe
191. 7.9.12 Toni Moore
192. 7.10.12 Waleed Moujaes
193. 7.11.12 Michael Nassar
194. 7.12.12 Rachel Zelin
195. 7.13.12 Ann Barash
196. 7.14.12 Maloke Ansara
197. 7.15.12 Patty Carmean
198. 7.16.12 Tom Pagels
199. 7.17.12 Dan Kanaan
200. 7.18.12 Tim Sterns
201. 7.19.12 Alicia Sharp
202. 7.20.12 Evelyn Zogaib
203. 7.21.12 Dorothy Saba
204. 7.22.12 Jackie Ansara
205. 7.23.12 Beverly Bardwell
206. 7.24.12 Joanne Eberflus
207. 7.25.12 Laura Creager
208 7.26.12 Elyse Flynn
209 7.27.12 Angela Nassar
210 7.28.12 Kathy Creaturo
211. 7.29.12 Eddie Hollins
212. 7.30.12 Barb Kallil
213 7.31.12 Damaris Montano
214. 8.1.12 Joyce Salamy
215. 8.2.12 Missy Bishop
216. 8.3.12 Brian Bishop
217. 8.4.12 Leslie McArthur
218. 8.5.12 Mandy Cholodewitsch
219. 8.6.12 Jessica Burns
220. 8.7.12 Mike Martin
221. 8.8.12 Emmy Saad
222. 8.9.12 Beth Hensel
223. 8.10.12 Matt Slaman
224. 8.11.12 Beth Razoog
225. 8.12.12 Emily Berry
226. 8.13.12 Brianna Coolman
227. 8.14.12 Michael Chalhoub
228. 8.15.12 Andrea Marzean
229. 8.16.12 Molly Souder
230. 8.17.12 Fred Nassar
231. 8.18.12 Steve Creaturo
232. 8.19.12 Chris Lisi
233. 8.20.12 Chloe Benzer
234. 8.21.12 Corey Tracey
235. 8.22.12 Mike Martinez
236. 8.23.12 Victoria Hackem
237. 8.24.12 JoAnn Nassar
238. 8.25.12 John Lago
239. 8.26.12 Larry Howell
240. 8.27.12 Jennifer Conrad
241. 8.28.13 Ann Naumoff
242. 8.29.12 Janice Saba
243. 8.30.12 Katie Wagner
244. 8.31.12 Sasha Matt
245. 9.1.12 Bro Randy
246. 9.2.12 Nicole McCarty
247. 9.3.12 Joy Hajjar
248. 9.4.12 Marcus Creaturo
249. 9.5.12 Chalsi Eastman
250. 9.6.12 Al Percival
251. 9.7.12 Kelly Frey
252. 9.8.12 Angie Frey
253. 9.9.12 Karen Percival
254. 9.10.12 Kate Borchardt
255. 9.11.12 Dave Bain
256. 9.12.12 Sarah Abraham
257. 9.13.12 Phil Cowley
258. 9.14.12 Patti Johnson
259. 9.15.12 Brian Vura
260. 9.16.12 Nicki Lykens
261. 9.17.12 Renee Ellis
262. 9.18.12 Christine Sellers
263. 9.19.12 Nick Brandt
264. 9.20.12 Kim Kaczor
265. 9.21.12 Demond Dubose
266. 9.22.12 Elena Bossler
267. 9.23.12 Maria Chalhoub Ashkar
268. 9.24.12 Stacy Piper
269. 9.25.12 Melissa Barr
270. 9.26.12 Laurel Murphy
271. 9.27.12 Marina Tripodis
272. 9.28.12 George Chalhoub
273. 9.29.12 Janice Blocher
274. 9.30.12 David Abbott
275. 10.1.12 Nick Ellis
276. 10.2.12 Gary Parsons
277. 10.3.12 Alexa Nassif
278. 10.4.12 Nellie Moss
279. 10.5.12 Stacy
280. 10.6.12 Teresa Pummill
281. 10.7.12 Marty Pedro
282. 10.8.12 Diana Welsh
283. 10.9.12 Charlotte Best
284. 10.10.12 Laurie Hartford
285. 10.11.12 Kim Bremer
286. 10.12.12 Susan Harmon
287. 10.13.12 Marty McGurk
288. 10.14.12 Eric Littler
289. 10.15.12 Abby Hagen
290. 10.16.12 Julian Saad
291. 10.17.12 Kathy Abraham
292. 10.18.12 Marc Nassif
293. 10.19.12 Fr. George Shalhoub
294. 10.20.12 Mary Sue Timar
295. 10.21.12 Liz Schepisi Fossum
296. 10.22.12 Hadley Lago Jones
297. 10.23.12 Daniel LaValley
298. 10.24.12 Liz Bialecki
299. 10.25.12 Corrine Joseph
300. 10.26.12 Rebecca Tadora
301. 10.27.12 Judy Hood
302. 10.28.12 Lori Cox
303. 10.29.12 John Stewart
304. 10.30.12 Hendrix Lago-Jones
305. 10.31.12 Michael Hood
306. 11.1.12 Dawn Hanusz
307. 11.2.12 Mrs. J Saad
308. 11.3.12 Mary Schepisi
309. 11.4.12 Victoria Stewart
310. 11.5.12 Randy Bialecki
311. 11.6.12 Chris LaValley
312. 11.7.12 Betsy Hood
313. 11.8.12 Debbie McCrary
314. 11.9.12 Marty Hood
315. 11.10.12 Beverly Trezek
316. 11.11.12 Cheri Ellis
317. 11.12.12 Fr. Jim King
318. 11.13.12 Nick Atherine
319. 11.14.12 Dorothy Seitz
320. 11.15.12 Sharon Grzywinski
321. 11.16.12 Jori Hindley
322. 11.17.12 John Sollers
323. 11.18.12 Suzie Roth
324. 11.19.12 Jena Keller
325. 11.20.12 Duane Seitz
326. 11.21.12 Bethany Perry
327. 11.22.12 Jenny Atherine
328. 11.23.12 Tayler Spellis
329. 11.24.12 Marcia Collart
330. 11.25.12 Samantha Paez
331. 11.26.12 Becca Ritterspach
332. 11.27.12 Ally Lippert
333. 11.28.12 Mary Beth Walsh
334. 11.29.12 Kristen Carmean Lowenstein
335. 11.30.12 Jenny Cromley
336. 12.1.12 Mary Walsh
337. 12.2.12 Pat Horne
338. 12.3.12 Mary Kulwicki
339. 12.4.12 Lena Nicola
340. 12.5.12 Courtney Morgenstern
341. 12.6.12 Fr. Michael Kontos
342. 12.7.12. Leah Axdorff
343. 12.8.12 Tom Wardlow
344. 12.9.12 Mark Kurtz
345. 12.10.12 Alli Kulwicki
346. 12.11.12 Emily Warner
347. 12.12.12 Mary Ann Warr
348. 12.13.12 Connie Tolson
349. 12.14.12 Kathy Hughes
350. 12.15.12 Zee Czerniak
351. 12.16.12 Emily Hughes
352. 12.17.12 Lauren Czerniak
353. 12.18.12 Jenny Scott
354. 12.19.12 Nancy Wanha
355. 12.20.12 Katie Haney Watts
356. 12.21.12 Mandi Kulwicki
357. 12.22.12 Mania Pothorski
358. 12.23.12 Anna Haney
359. 12.24.12 Helen Drosak
360. 12.25.12 Mike Parker
361. 12.26.12 Nick Haughton
362. 12.27.12 Jeanice Gantus
363. 12.28.12 Laurie Czop
364. 12.29.12 Lindsay Czerniak
365. 12.30.12 Sonny Pedro
366. 12.31.12 Joe Czop

<3 SP

looking to the future...2013 here i come...

day 364...

....there is a famous quote that states ..."you don't know where you are going until you know where you've been..." ...yesterday (two days ago; I'm on the brink of 31, girls got to sleep)...I wrote about what I had learned in the last year...now it is time to see where those lessons will take me...

...in 2013 (might as well get a jump start on what I see for the year to come, that in itself is already an improvement of me;)...

...I hope to laugh more and love harder...I hope to truly live in the moment I am in and not worry about the next...along with that I want to not worry how one situation will turn out...really work on letting go and letting God...I want to step out of me, my comfort zone and push myself to do things I normally wouldn't do...I want to become a better version of me and make sure those people that I have mentioned time and time again know that I am extremely grateful and blessed that they are my heart and that by having their footprints on my heart my cup truly runneth over...I want to keep working on my faith, so that by knowing me you know faith...I want to keep writing and see what comes out of it....

I want to LIVE, LAUGH, & LOVE even more than I did this year...cheers to 2013...

<3 LC


2012 lessons learned...

day 363...

...at each turn, at the end of every chapter there are lessons learned...things that we hold on to, things that are useful and beneficial when we come to different junctures in our lives...so my lessons for 2012...(well at least some of them;)...

1. it's ok to let go; and when it's time to let go; don't ignore it...

2. time - the greatest gift you can give someone even if its 30 seconds...

3. a handwritten note can be just what someone needs; so take a moment & write one...

4. moments are what defines a lifetime...

5. when God closes a door, He definitely opens a window some where...pay attention...

6. try your best to live in this moment...

7. labne goes with everything (well I knew that but it was confirmed and shared this throughout the year to everyone I know)...

8. faith is not easy and only gets better with practice...

9. even if it hurts keep loving...

10. words are my way of telling the world about me...

<3 LC

when January 1st rolls around; what to do...

day 362...

Each day (well most days)...I finish my day with a blog post...some were about everything and anything...some were words inspired by others that I felt so incline to share...some were so off base that I didn't even know what I was writing or why I was writing it...but at the end of the day I was doing what I set out to do...which was write...

...now when January 1st rolls around...I have to figure out where I end up...what do i do with this blog...do I want to keep writing, maybe not everyday but when the mood hits me...do i pick up where I left off and just write what I want when I want...what happens to this blog...is my voice silenced in the next year (fat chance;)...I'm not really sure...but I do think it's going to be random and spontaneous...it maybe exactly what you need to read or what I need to write...I have enjoyed coming into your lives via words if only for a brief moment...so I can ensure these last days definitely won't be my last...

<3 JG


these last few days...

day 361...

...so I started to write this blog, thought I published (which i did but didn't write anything) it but fell asleep...wow that was a first...

...we have reached the final days and it is time to put the finishing touches on the blog...I have blogged thus far for the past 361 days (all be a few slip ups) but there will be a total of 366 blog entries...as well as 366 names of people that I have written to...

So from here on out...a few things that I will discuss including what will happen come January 1st...a complete wrap up on both the card project as well as the year in general...tonight will be the first in my 5 piece conclusion...I again thank you for reading...whether you tuned in for all, some, or maybe just one...thank you...

To the next five days and beyond...

<3 NH


a christmas for the books...

day 360...

...see I could tell you someone got engaged or that someone had a baby but no none of that happened...but what did happen was that we were able to celebrate christmas together...my sister, my brothers, sister in-laws, parents, nieces, and nephews all came together and celebrated the birth of Christ and yes there were gifts and food but most importantly there was us and every time we get a chance to be together that means it is one more minute I get to spend with those I love the most and that is enough for me and I fall asleep knowing that I had an amazing christmas...

...so I'm hoping your christmas was just as special and you were able to spend it with those that love you...

<3 MP


...'twas the night before christmas...

day 359...

"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

<3 HD


dear, well this is it...

day 358...

dear, well this is it...

so we have talked (mainly I have written and you read) and now you know things about me...things that hopefully when our paths cross you will just get and it will feel so effortless...that our hearts just match each other and make sense...that the words that go unspoken will be heard by each other and we will just know...we will dance with each other...we will laugh with each other...we will push each other to be better versions of ourselves...we will have fun...we will love and just be...

...and in the end I will be grateful for you...and my heart will thank you for loving me, and for choosing me...and wanting to be with me...

...and in the end...because I have you and whatever our lives turns out to be...I will be the happiest, luckiest, most blessed woman because I found you...

...so this is it in a nutshell...now we shall see...I'll be seeing you...maybe;)

love you forever,


<3 AH

a honeybee or a fly?

day 357...

not finishing too strong these last two days...no worries I still have 9 more days to make up for it...

so maybe I will just look at as if I'm a honeybee...this was passed on to me today and I think it's quite fitting and such a different perspective on life...so are you a honeybee or a fly?

<3 MP


at christmas...always a time to come home...

day 356...

...epic failure -- falling asleep before blogging...sign me right up; however this time i am actually glad i got to sleep on this topic...

...i arrived at home last night...and was sitting watching a christmas movie, on hallmark of course...right next to the christmas tree i was perched...and i felt peace; only to fall asleep on my parent's couch...a sense of peace came upon me & i was home...it seems every time, no matter what, i arrive in this house...the house i grew up i can feel a sense of home...nothing special happens it is just my place...

...and this is especially rings true at the holidays...vivid memories of this home and christmas makes my heart smile...and i always hope from years to come i can always come back and experience the same feeling with the same people...as i grow older what we want becomes less and the things that we need become much simpler...finding and knowing home; especially during christmas that is all i want...because that feeling, if you know that feeling; it is as if the world stood still only to allow your heart to hold on forever...

<3 mk="mk">



day 355...

...well it was bound to happen...i repeated myself...can you believe it...i mean technically it wasn't exactly the same but same topic...ohh well what are you going to do...most of the time you are just lucky that you are getting something out of me...we all know that it can be a struggle...

...this is one of those moments where you think i am going to say something profound...or not...well i am not...it is more about discovering the little things that allow you to think...that must have been majorly on my mind (random sentence & yeah i'm leaving it)...

...it also means that so many insignificant details can lead up to something amazing or a whole lot of nothing...and it can and will be what you make of it...

**side note - did you know after you get a teeth pulled soft foods are a must & they recommend ice cream...hell yeah this fat kid is all over that one & yes i did have a tooth pulled, no worries it was in the back...stop with the visuals...** (SUPER DIGRESSION; READ AT YOUR RISK)

...anyways...make the most of anything whether you take on a personal goal and or whether you are committing to being in that moment...no matter what just do it & let it be for what it is...

...it is a blog that will be ______ in 11 days...it says some nothings and maybe some everythings...it provides a variety of emotion and heart all wrapped into one...it is a blog...

<3 kh="kh">


always ask for information please...

day 354...

for hump day...and the days after...here is a good one...sometimes it's not about me talking/writing but rather what i can find that just might bring a smile to your face or just "what you needed" and that is why it's often important to just shut my face and share...so...


When I was a young boy, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. I remember the polished, old case fastened to the wall. The shiny receiver hung on the side of the box. I was too little to reach the telephone, but used to listen with fascination when my mother talked to it.

Then I discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person. Her name was "Information Please" and there was nothing she did not know. Information Please could supply anyone's number and the correct time.

My personal experience with the genie-in-a-bottle came one day while my mother was visiting a neighbor. Amusing myself at the tool bench in the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer, the pain was terrible, but there seemed no point in crying because there was no one home to give sympathy.

I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway. The telephone! Quickly, I ran for the footstool in the parlor and dragged it to the landing. Climbing up, I unhooked the receiver in the parlor and held it to my ear.

"Information, please" I said into the Mouthpiece just above my head.

A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear.


"I hurt my finger.. ." I wailed into the phone, the tears came readily enough now that I had an audience.

"Isn't your mother home?" came the question.

"Nobody's home but me," I blubbered.

"Are you bleeding?" the voice asked .
"No,"I replied. "I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts."
"Can you open the icebox?" she asked.

I said I could.

"Then chip off a little bit of ice and hold it to your finger," said the voice.

After that, I called "Information Please" for everything. I asked her for
Help with my geography, and she told me where Philadelphia was. She helped me with my math.

She told me my pet chipmunk that I had caught in the park just the day before, would eat fruit and nuts.

Then, there was the time Petey, our pet canary, died. I called, "Information Please," and told her the sad story. She listened, and then said things grown-ups say to soothe a child. But I was not consoled. I asked her, "Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?"

She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly, " Wayne, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in."

Somehow I felt better.

Another day I was on the telephone, "Information Please."

"Information," said the now familiar voice.
"How do I spell fix?", I asked.

All this took place in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When I was nine years old, we moved across the country to Boston . I missed my friend very much. "Information Please" belonged in that old wooden box back home and I
somehow never thought of trying the shiny new phone that sat on the table in the hall. As I grew into my teens, the memories of those childhood conversations never really left me.

Often, in moments of doubt and perplexity I would recall the serene sense of security I had then. I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.

A few years later, on my way west to college, my plane put down in Seattle . I had about a half-hour or so between planes. I spent 15 minutes or so on the phone with my sister, who lived there now. Then without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, "Information Please."

Miraculously, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well.


I hadn't planned this, but I heard myself saying, "Could you please tell me how to spell fix?"

There was a long pause. Then came the soft spoken answer, "I guess your finger must have healed by now."

I laughed, "So it's really you," I said. "I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time?"

I wonder," she said, "if you know how much your calls meant to me. I never had any children and I used to look forward to your calls."

I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her again when I came back to visit my sister.

"Please do", she said. "Just ask for Sally."

Three months later I was back in Seattle .. A different voice answered, "Information."
I asked for Sally.

"Are you a friend?" she said.

"Yes, a very old friend," I answered.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, "She said, Sally had been working part time the last few years because she was sick. She died five weeks ago."

Before I could hang up, she said, "Wait a minute, did you say your name was Wayne ?" "Yes." I answered.

"Well, Sally left a message for you. She wrote it down in case you called. Let me read it to you."

The note said,

"Tell him there are other worlds to sing in. He'll know what I mean."

I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.

Never underestimate the impression you may make on others..

Lifting you on eagle's wings.

May you find the joy and peace you long for.

Life is a journey... NOT a guided tour."

<3 NW


greetings of the season...

day 353...

...if you are reading this...you know that I missed a day, I had a good excuse...so if it fancies you check out the day before; if for nothing else than to be inspired...

as many of you know I have been writing cards for 353 days now...And hoping I will make it to 366...but for now a little role reversal...I have been the recipient of cards but tis the season and I have received several cards of beautiful families...kind words...thoughts and prayers and well wishes and they have made me smile and made me feel so blessed and loved...so thank you to the moon and back for spreading the holiday cheer and for taking a moment to send me a card...

<3 br="br" js="js">

falling asleep can only mean one thing...being inspired...

day 352...

...I had a rough day the day before...so that could only mean on this day...I fell asleep; I had a good excuse trust me...so what does that means it means...you get some inspiring quotes to read and enjoy...

<3 br="br" lc="lc">


I carry your heart...

day 351...

today I'm just thankful and so so blessed...

I Carry Your Heart...

..."i carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart i am never without it anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling i fear no fate for you are my fate,my sweet i want no world for beautiful you are my world,my true and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart i carry it in my heart..."

(e.e. Cummings)

<3 EH


..."I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."

day 350...

...and I'm back in the NYC...and loving every minute of it...we all know I love the city and this weekend I spent some times getting to know my old friend and hanging out with some fabulous people...& ate which is three of my favorite things to do...

...as always it never fails to seem to amaze me...the people, the scenery, the eats, the fun, the energy, just good times...and tomorrow when I leave on a jet plane I will be sad to go but know that the next adventure only awaits me when I return...

so some pics of my city...enjoy!

<3 nc="nc" p="p">


today the world cried...

day 349...

today the world cried...a horrific tragedy occurred and the world took a step back...innocent children and people's lives were lost; way too soon in an act of violence and the world stands still in shock...

...how do we move past this...how do those that were involved ever recover from their hearts being ripped from their being...

...there is no explanation and probably might never be...but the one thing we can do is pray...pray for all those inflicted by this that the grace of God be with them...and that God will hold them all in the palm of his hands...and know that the skies and the heavens will shine a little brighter for several angels made their way today...

may their memories be eternal...

<3 kh="kh" nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
"blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted..." (mt. 5:4)


I'm a talker but am i good communicator?

day 348...

if you know me at all you know I'm a talker...well I'm a bit of chatty Kathy...some times I talk too much...I like to think I've gotten better and toned it down but I'm not going to lie; even some times in my head I say, "shut up danielle..." but the words just keep flying out of my mouth...now with all this talking I wonder if it constitutes me being a great communicator...

the difference in a great communicator and a great talker is like listening and hearing...are you just hearing me or are you really listening to what I'm saying...so do I just talk to talk and say stupid, random sh*t or am I communicating what needs to be said and what I'm feeling...I know which I am; the question is can I become the other... is there a great communicator waiting to be unleashed inside me?

<3 CT


Written Words more powerful than Spoken Words...true or false??

day 347...

i love words...mostly due to the meaning behind it...little by little you discover what is behind the the words the more you read it...this writing i happen to stumble across...provides a connection to where you can sense the author's pain or maybe you just feel for her because you have been in a similiar situation...either way take it for what you want it to be...it is the best part of words...that once you read them; you determine the meaning...

"what hurts the most..."

"what hurts the most...
is you were supposed to be this great person 
& as it turned out you are not or at least not appearing to be....

what hurts the most...
is i put my trust in you and you pushed me away....

what hurts the most...
is i let my guard down; never for once entering my mind that this is how it would end...
& i would be the one letting go...

what hurts the most...
is that i'm not sure it would have worked out...
but i was willing to try...
but to you; i must have not even been worth the effort...

what hurts the most...
is that it is what is...
because you have given me every indication it will be nothing else

what hurts the most...
is i probably lost another friend...

what hurts the most...
is you were in...i let you be close to me...

what hurts the most...
is that you can't just say i don't like you without a better explanation...
...is i want to trust you but I can't...
...is that you took a piece of me and my heart....
...is that i HAVE to be done and let go; even when i'm dying to hold on..." 
(m. o'fallon)



a hope of a child...Santa comes through...

day 346...

...some times all it takes is hope; all it takes is a little believing & then sometimes miracles happen...

...so tonight a video of hope of one little girl...& a wish come true...grab a tissue...

...watch & smile 


...it really is all small stuff...

day 345...

...so maybe you should stop sweating about it...a while back a book was published in regard to this very same topic...it actually is ingenious...most (not all) of things that happen within a period of a day or time are small potatoes in comparison to the real biggies...so stop worrying about them...you spill coffee, rip your shirt, catch a red light, nothing at work is going your way, you forgot an appointment, you need to lose weight, you took a nap instead of being productive...and on and on...we have hoards of list where it's all small stuff...and if we focus too much on all those things that really have no effect in the great big scheme that is our life we will miss out on the big things...the things and people that have made up my life throughout this year and every year...the people that have loved and hugged me...the events that have changed my life...the events that altered the course of my path...the moments that are forever in my heart...the happenings that have taken my breath away...that's the real big stuff...everything else doesn't matter and when you remember the big the small seems to fade away...

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself..." (Mt. 6:34)

<3 AK

(I know, it came this morning...but I'm not worried ;)...if you want bring on the dare...I'm up for it)


...the person you will be with should...

day 344...

make you a better a version of you...since I am all about people this is actually quite fitting for me...I think the one you are meant to spend your life with (& really all people) is supposed to help (& you them) you discover the best you...they will push you to be better and if they don't or drag you down get out now...especially because if you are having a bad day or something awful is happening...and you think bad about you; you for sure are going to want someone to lift you up...the great thing about it, don't you think that is why God put them in our lives...He knew that we would need a person to remind us just how special and loved we are...find that person (people)...they are out there and they are waiting just for you...

<3 MK


this year was more about the people

day 343...

...as 2012 winds down...I think about how this whole idea got started...I wanted to blog and see if I could do it for 365 (366) days...I wanted it to be an amazing year because I was turning 30 and even though everyday is a blessing I felt like this one was going to be thee best...and it has been and within the next 23 days it will continue to be due to the people of 2012...most have been there all along but some have played a more significant role than others and there have also been those that I have seen in a new light...they are the ones that have made this year the best...left lasting footprints on my heart...they made every day of this year the best...they were there with hugs, words of wisdom, they loved me, laughed with me...and there were those who I was blessed with that are now smiling down from heaven...and I hope to God that I have said thank you to these people and if not one day I will return the favor...give them a small taste of my gratitude...

to my people of 2012 my heart thanks you...

<3 TW


want to laugh...look no further...read me cooking...

day 342...

...i am not a cooker by trade, a certified eater, umm i think yes; but definitely cooking is not my strong suit...i will do it, usually with some guidance but don't venture to far off by myself...

so after prefacing that...today at work...i was instructed to make the cookie dough...all in all 4 kinds of cookies...double all batches but one that needs to be quadrupled...i make the first batch, then the second, and then someone takes over for the 3rd & later on i come back to do the fourth...as i am reading the directions again...i realize something...the butter needed is 3/4c. and when you double that you get 1.5c.; well our butter comes in 1lb. blocks...which equals 2c...well lets just day i was thinking that it meant 1.5 blocks of butter...so those first two batches will provide lots of butter...more than you need to know; but all is good the rest of the ingredients i didn't get messed up; so it balances out...now maybe this isn't funny to you but if you can visualize my moroness then you will slowly start to laugh realizing that most people would decipher the difference between cup & pound...& that is why i leave cooking to the professionals...& this isn't my first time with a cookie mishap...those cookies were a little salty; hey maybe the people who invented/harvested/discovered salt & sugar should have talked about the color of their product...just sayin'...

enjoy, & let me know i will whip you up a batch...

<3 la="la" p="p">


...the magic of the season...

day 341...

...without fail the christmas season arrives...people decorate the insides of their houses with festive decor and the outside with bright lights...some venture off to go pick out that perfect tree while others assemble so as to adorn it with ornaments galore...people rush to & fro from party to party...filling their bellies with delicious food while enjoying a friend or too...presents are bought and wrapped to be placed under the tree...so the question remains where does the magic lie...

...for me, it lies within the spirit of christmas...as jesus was born on christmas, we celebrate him by being with those that we love...it also allows for us to see the message of giving, and yes the presents are there but rather of oneself...where we give our time, our joy, our comfort and love to those that we love...that is the spirit of christmas, all the other stuff is icing on the cake...the real magic is what we hold in our hearts at this time of year and what we can share with others...just as a sweet baby did so many many many years ago...

...so as we open up a gift, or take sip or two...remember the magic of the season...& allow for that to live in your hearts this christmas & every christmas...happy christmas...


no excuses for my hot messness...& a vow...

day 340...

...it has happened time & time again...i would say more frequently ever since i turned 30...however i must own it...i say that goes for anything...it takes a bigger person to admit when they f*ed up & own it rather than if one keeps on ignoring the problem...i keep falling asleep way before i blog...& i realize you are sitting on the edge of your seat anxiously awaiting to see what brilliant lame brain thing decides to flow out of my head through my fingers on my screen & passed on to you...well this one is an apology/vow...i apologize for being late; however it fits my personality to a 'T'; if being late were a job i would be the highest paid in that position & be the CEO of the company (ps the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one;)...i always think i can do one more thing before i leave, underestimate how long it will take me to get there (b/c i apparently think no one else is on the road & all the lights will be green), & i some times fall asleep & think it will get done tomorrow...now realizing this is only a blog...but i set a goal 365 (366 happy leap year) days of blogging & i have definitely pulled my mulligan one too many times...so from now until 12.31.12, i will be blogging one per day; no more two for one (this shall be the last one you see)...& if i fall asleep, or some other mishap (unless it is out of my control)...i will take on a dare from someone who reads my hot messness & calls me out & do the dare (i never go back on a dare (within reason) just ask my brother nick)...so here is to you & the blog...

<3 br="br" cm="cm">

*disclaimer, i can post up until 3:00 am to be considered same day*


inspiring thoughts that only happen when sleeping ;)

day 339...

...upside to me falling asleep is you get inspirational sayings...that who knows could make your day that much better...so dare to be inspired!

<3 br="br" ln="ln">


feels like home...where the heart lies...

day 338...

...certain songs evoke emotion...evoke a certain feeling that remain in your heart forever...and perhaps every time the song is played no matter the occasion,  a memory occurs, even if it is only for a brief moment & you are back home to where it all started...

...a song, that strikes a note...a note that can be played over & over and no matter what it brings you back...

....it has been there and represented moments that have left imprints on your heart...it allows you to find faith & God, by knowing a home filled with peace...it represents moments where knowing & having family brings a calmness that surrounds you...or hearing a friend's voice only to know that there is no other place you would rather be...it transforms any and every moment so as to always know & find your way back home...

...your home, it can be as simple as the physical structure that keeps you warm, dry & comfortable...but it can be way more amazing by being those that surround you, the people that create & make up your life...those people, as i have mentioned time & time again, that God gave you...He gave you so you can always know home no matter the physical space...just by looking into their eyes & knowing you are loved, knowing you are exactly where you belong, knowing your home...

Feels Like Home...

(*...this song, introduced to me as i watched someone extremely dear to me, who forever holds a place in my heart; marry his best friend; someone who makes up his world...& looking on as they moved as one & knowing that within each other they found their home...<3 br="br" jmz="jmz"> to your home... :)

<3 mk="mk">


ohh those holiday movies/shows -- gets me every time...

day 337...

...i am a sucker for the holidays...and the hallmark channel pretty much has me suckered in for majority of the month of december (thank God i do not have a TV)...however there are a few that are on my must see list; come every december (or whenever i feel like it...)

national lampoon's christmas vacation...

love actually...

white christmas...

it's a wonderful life...

miracle on 34th street...

a charlie brown's christmas...


frosty the snowman...

christmas shoes...

family stone...

<3 ph="ph">


ahh joe, the tree makes a comes back...

day 336...

...welcome december...& welcome to exactly 31 more days of this blog...the final chapter is among us...ohh the best for last & where to go from here...stay tuned...

...a little story...circa 2011...

--"call my little brother, joe & ask him about some boxes he moved for me b/c i am missing the one with my christmas tree, etc...conversation goes a little like this...
"joe, i missin' a box.." "which one?""the one with my christmas tree," he cuts me off with his laughter..."its gone danielle, some where btwn toledo & c-bus, it flew out of my truck.." (by this point he is laughing hysterically...) 
"were you not going to tell me?..."
still laughing, "no i was just going to have you keep lookin' & try to figure out where it might be; i told tony about it & couldn't stop laughin', i'm sorry..."
& i laugh b/c i can just picture his face as he was driving down 75 & hears, then realizes he lost a box...
merry christmas to someone btwn toledo & c-bus who has my box full of christmas stuff & God bless my little brother...

fast forward -- holiday 2012...

joe...guess what's back?  the tree & it is lookin' better than ever...happy christmas; bring on december, the final chapter!

<3 mw="mw" p="p">


dear the lucky one who gets me...

day 335...

dear the lucky one who gets me...

i finally figured what i wanted...it is just you...and i want you to love me for me...people kept telling me to know what you want...they tell me; figure out what exactly you want in another person and that is what you go for...don't settle...know what you want...

...& i know now...i want you...and as you love me for my fun & not so fun qualities, i will do the same...but the fact that you love me besides all my weirdness is enough for me...because as i described in a blog or two before i can be quite a treat and if you just love me for me...then that's all i want...and i want to live and be just being us; the rest we will get to...and as you take me for me that is all i need and i want...

...that is quite enough for me...

yours forever...

<3 br="br" jc="jc">


...if you could just go back to...where would it take you...

day 334...

...many of your best discussions, can quite possibly come from where you work...majority of americans spend more time working than at their homes...so as a result of that...we take part in a few if not many conversations with our co-workers....and what tends to happen is some pretty interesting conversations...

...this week a very dear woman passed away that was extremely close to two people i work with...and as we all mourn the loss of this amazing woman, who i only knew briefly but heard many a great story about...it pushed us to think about the moments that pass us by or rather the time that keeps flying past us...and one of my co-workers said i only wish i would have taken 5 minutes out of my day and went and saw her...just to have that one more minute with her...

...in addition to always knowing the time we have with someone especially with those that we love is always too short...we, ourselves, as we grow older realize that our lives change...our bodies are not the same as they were 15 years ago, let alone a year ago...our minds are not as sharp as we want them to be...our responsibilities are forever changing and can become more demanding as we grow older...

...so what is that time or that moment that you would return too...would you be 8 years old again and not have a care in the world...would you be 16 again and relive your high school years, or maybe 21 when you are still in college but old enough to run with the big boys...or maybe you just prefer your 20's through and through....

...then again maybe to you it is not a number...maybe it is just one more moment to say i'm sorry for hurting you...or please forgive me...or to say one more i love you...maybe you want to go back and take the words that came flying out of your mouth and just be silent...or could it be that you were quiet and you want to go back and say everything you couldn't...

...we can't go back to those years or those moments or events...we can't go back to words spoken or unspoken...all we can do is go from here...wishing that the next age or the next moment is all that we ever hoped for...

<3 kl="kl">

what happens when i don't blog...& thee best score ever...

day 333...

...so you are dying to know what happens to me when i fall asleep when i am supposed to inspire, entertain, yadah, yadah, yadah, blog...look no further...than the culprit below....yes, this chair has been pulled several fast ones on me,  especially in the last week...i am all good; take a seat, & bam, it sucks me right in..so not only did i not blog, i am now writing about a chair...

...i have one month left...i am bound to finish this one off strong...ready or not december here i come...

...and if that is not entertaining enough, and i don't why a chair wouldn't be...here is the score from the last of the mohicans...amazing...that just happened...yes i am a hot mess & losing it...

<3 mbw="mbw">


to be inspired....

Day 332...

sometimes all we need is to be inspired for just a moment...and then that inspiration can see us through...

<3 al="al" br="br">


...you are exactly where you are supposed to be...

day 331...

...at this very moment...

...so when you are stuck in traffic or sitting in a coffee shop remember that is where you are supposed to be...the same goes for the city you live in or the job that you are doing...that is what you are meant to do at this very moment...whether you are in a relationship or just by yourself that is where you need to be...

...so instead of fighting where you are supposed to be...maybe you should just embrace it for what it is...life throws us curveballs and detours but maybe, just maybe, that is where we are supposed to end up...in the middle of nowhere wondering what next...or right smack dab in the middle of chaos...but I guess the only way we can know is to just be...

<3 BR

time...a gift that keeps on giving...if you let it

day 330...

...as Christmas approaches and we find that we are rushing here and there we must also remember that the best gift we can give is that of time...

<3 br="br" sp="sp">


...no matter the time, the truth remains, that m*ch*g*n sucks...

day 329...

...I started at Ohio State in 2000 and I went to my first osu vs um game, as a student, in November and froze my teazy off on the sideline to watch us lose, and then showed up in the whore house the following year and stood in the student section with my sister and braved quarters being thrown at our heads...but we came out on top in the end; one of thee best feelings ever...and then fast forward and several wins later and maybe a few loses ;)...the tradition continues, of many games, a jump or two (or maybe just watching) into mirror lake, several tailgates with family and friends, bantering back and forth the bitter rivalry lives on...

...no matter the year or the day...the game comes and goes but the best part, is the memories that came out of it...the memories that I think back and remember, the memories that I hold in my heart and think back and just smile...the time spent with friends and family...

...time after time, i smile, laugh, play, and work with my family and friends...all the while look up to the sky and say Go Bucks! (<3 jz="jz" p="p">
<3 br="br" mc="mc">


pretty much sums up...life...

day 328...

one of those things that says it all...in so little words...the best...

<3 br="br" ts="ts">


...a heart filled with thanks...

day 327...

...as this day comes and goes and my belly is ohh so full...the one thing that remains is how overfilled with love and thanks my heart is...

...as I arrived yesterday at my house to be greeted with 19 of my bestest friends...and then show up today to be with some of thee most amazing people who make up my heart...that is what I'm thankful for...

...I am so blessed with so many things...God has taken care of me in my short little lifetime in so many ways...I am clothed, fed, sheltered, have an education, have a job, and a church...in addition to all my everyday blessings I am LOVED and I have people who have touched my life and made me a better me...

i have experienced faith in so many capacities and have witnessed forgiveness and learned to love and live...I'm just so lucky and so blessed that at this point, while sitting in my living room, i look around and then look up and say those two simple words, that possess an infinite meaning, THANK YOU!

<3 br="br" ja="ja">

thanksgiving eve (early morning) thoughts...

day 326...

so apparently the holidays make me extra tired and fall asleep before leaving with you an amazing thought; shocker...don't fret I am not giving up at this point...read on...

tonight (this morning) you don't get my thanksgiving post yet but rather the appetizer before the turkey comes out...here are the thanksgiving apps...

“True forgiveness is when you can say, "Thank you for that experience.”
― Oprah Winfrey

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”
― A. A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”
― John F. Kennedy

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”
― Meister Eckhart

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
― William Arthur Ward

...until tomorrow (this evening) and thanksgiving feast...

<3 BP


to be thankful for...

day 325...

I'm thankful for sleep and that I get a lot of it especially, when I fall accidentally asleep and don't write my blog...and in general I'm just thankful...

<3 br="br" ds="ds">


cause a Monday is not always a Fun Day & you just need to laugh...

day 324...

...if i haven't said it already i am not a fan of mondays...it is just blah., and usually they just suck...however i am a fan of laughing on a monday & sometimes when monday happens that is all you can do...laugh & hopefully keep laughin' until its friday...

here is to your monday laughter...

<3 js="js" p="p">