disclaimer 342...have a plan, & a back up plan...i'm not saying you are going to fail, you are just being extra prepared...
...1st, my other good friend joined the bet, & no offense to the my first friend, she will definitely be stiff competition, will power like a stubborn jack ass (but she is not a jack ass, love ya;)...
...2nd...i have a plan for Oper. N.M.F.B/M.O.H., a "theme" for each day i will blog...i think it will help me in being more creative as well as it not being the same old sob story of me being a fat ass & continually blowing a diet...
so tuesdays theme is....wait for it..."...positive thinking tuesday..." so no negativity on tuesdays, & it will either be something positive that i get from this whole experience, or a positive thought, & it should make you smile & hopefully help you in your diet journey...
...Positive Thinking Tuesday...
....every time you make a decision in your life, you have to fully commit to it...& truly believe in that decision, if not then that decision is a lot harder to follow through...& the other part is, it must be your decision & not anyone else's....
...my decision is I CHOOSE TO BE HEALTHY...
being healthy means, exercising (i am working on that part)...eating healthy (even when the diet is over & i am not counting points), this will hopefully help you maintain your svelte look...i am also making healthy mind choices, staying positive & sending out peaceful vibes (kate, no comments)...
day 178...and we succeeded...and i was positive...& turned down chiptole;)
...until "another theme day" tomorrow...
haha no comments...are you kidding me! Love the healthy vibes...I can always go for a healthy vibe...i sending one out to you right now!