**disclaimer 203...remember we talked about wearing black, let us revisit the thought...black pants can do wonders;)
...so today was your typical day of fat...i ate 2 cookies & finished off my chiptole...& i know i sound redundant, but often when it comes to a true fat kid, we tend to have redundancy, like eating a cookie over & over, or sitting on a chair (i.e. not exercising) over & over, forcing yourself into pants over & over...see where i am going, almost bound to happen...; however (remember fat kids tend to have an excuse because we can justify anything) i worked today doing inventory at the memorial tournament & i had to lift several boxes over & over & over...so i added in a little exercise into my life for the day (rather i was forced into exercise)...
....do you think it might be possible for ones' stomach to shrink...i think mine has or do you think it is mind thing...where your body gets used to NOT eating half the cabinet & refrigerator & keeps repeating, "hey there, fatty you don't have to eat everything on the plate." what do you think about my theory...i think that my stomach has gotten used to eating less & my brain is saying, "stop eating," instead of, "you can't not not eat that last bite of sandwich." or it could be the fact that my ass is screaming, "hey there if you don't realize & stop eating, they are going to give you a moomoo as opposed to a bridesmaid dress." hmmmmm, what do you think?
day 149...points, yeah i got nothin' (hoping to return strong next week)
...until "the brain says stop" tomorrow...
Absolutely I think your stomach shrank. What I'm about to say sounds tooooootally anorexic but I promise I don't meet all the criteria for diagnosis (haha-don't worry I know I just spent the last hour reading about it) But I would force myself to eat very very little on any random day (and it was hell) just so that I could get my stomach back to a normal size and wouldn't constantly feel hungry. It's worked for me, unintentionally initially but then I learned the trick. Mind you I did not stop eating repeatedly but just as a cleanse you might say, and to tell my stomach to chill out. So that's a good thing! Your body knows you don't need that much food to survive and now it's becoming natural to you! That's awesome! (again totally sounds like an anorexic and I totally don't mean to, I'll make sure you stuff your face the next day, or at least til you're full) :D