...this weekend as i drove down the road...a thought occurred to me; at that very moment that i drove the road; so many events were happening at that very same moment...not all of them great but they were happening...i guess it is the occurrence of life...the one that i seemed to be forever in my mind were hospital moments...mainly because if you think about it, they are the happiest and saddest places to be in...your life is/could be turned upside down and then the very next moment you are on top of the world...people say their good-byes, people hear some of the worst news of their life; people think at certain points that their life will not go on pass that moment in the hospital...but at those same exact moments, people often hear the greatest news of their life; babies are born, people are saved, miracles happen, & life continues to move on...
...the correlation between a hospital and a serendipitous moment, maybe none or maybe the greatest serendipitous moments ever...a pleasant surprise, when someone pulls through, or the words you never thought would be uttered, are, "you are cured..." fall upon your ears, or "..it's a girl or it's a boy, or BOTH... & everyone is healthy..." or even the hardest of words of all, "i love & will miss you; but i will forever be with you..." & at that very exact moment as your perfect person takes their last breath, a warm beam of sunshine comes through the window and you know that this is their way & God's way of saying, ..."life will go on & i'm ok..." ...hmmmm....
a serendipity moment, what if all moments were just that...what if everything in life was fortuitous happiness...i know we have those moments when life just wants to kick us & then slams the door on us; but why hold on to those moments when the very next moment you could be experiencing could be a pleasant surprise...just sayin'...might as well enjoy...
--> a little clip from a movie that happens to be titled, Serendipity... & you should also visit the actual Serendipity in NYC, check it (225 E 60th St, New York, NY 10022) FROZEN HOT CHOCOLATE = YUM!--> the meaning has to be good if it has its own film & coffee/chocolate shop!
side note...Happy Easter...Christ is Risen...may all the blessings of this Easter season find you and yours today and always...