1~..."what makes us normal is knowing that we're not normal.”
...i read this story of a teacher being approached by one of her young students; this student struggled in school, and some times got made fun of; but his heart was joyful; and his personality out shined most kids...so one day the teacher was helping the kid and the kid stopped and looked her straight in the eye and said, "...i don't think i will ever be normal..." and she stared at the young student, who was waiting with eagerness for her (who in her mind was far from normal) to provide him with a profound answer...and she paused thinking what could be the best way to ease his mind, so he could see himself as 'normal'...and she thought...
...who defines normal -- according to sources (i googled it), normal = "usual or ordinary; not strange or mentally and physically healthy"...well that is the technical definition & if you google the image of normal, you will see what looks to be the bell curve...can you really define normal, yes the technical definition but really think about it; b/c what i see and experience as normal may be totally different than what you see/experience...and in fact, i think the more you want to define normal the further from normal you are...normal is what YOU define it is; and allowing someone else to define THEIR normal...normal for me is being the best of you and functioning the best way you can in your world...if it is up to me i would rather be NOT normal that way i know i am the opposite of ordinary or that i am a little unusual (if you met me i totally fall into that one); it makes what i call my LIFE that much more interesting...
...the teacher thought again & she stared at him, his hopeful eyes and said, "who defines normal anyways...be the best you can be, and don't worry about being like everyone else...you are special because you are you"...now she knew as she spoke these words, this student probably may not grasp completely the concept of what she was saying...& it wouldn't take his everyday fight with school subjects or bullies away; but she hoped that one day he might realize that his normal is the best kind of normal...& the rest is just details...
2~“... what you think is right isn't the same as knowing what is right.”
....my junior high years are a blur, i know i wasn't a very kind person and i thought i was better than most...not so proud to admit that...i know they helped form me into what i wanted to be as a human and not to be (i know profound thought; but seriously i was not nice; prefer not to repeat)...i also learned an amazing lesson; i would like to say it came from a teacher's lecture but rather their classroom...as students we probably stare more often at was is on the wall rather than what we are supposed to be focusing on; & this stare provided me with one of my greatest lessons...it hung right above my teacher's desk. a poster ~"...what is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular"...a difficult concept to grasp & to hold on to and to actually apply to when you are that young; but it holds so much meaning...i don't feel like this one needs an explanation or how it applies; for it has applied and still applies to my life...so before your next move, stop and think...
3~...“Courage is found in unlikely places.”
(J.R.R. Tolkien)
(J.R.R. Tolkien)
...Hold a Hand... ...if you clicked on this link...you would have read about a young girl who was in accident with a school bus...first let me say, by the grace of God, she is ok and recovering and luckily everyone else is ok...now let me tell you about the gentleman mentioned in this story...that morning he was taking his mom to work and normally his mom goes a different way but for some reason, call it divine intervention, he drove her that way to work...and when they came up on the accident...he saw what was happening and left his car and ran up to the car...now i don't know the words that were exchanged but all i know is he took the girl's hand and held it until the ambulance showed up...he was her calm, hopefully a sense of peace for that girl who was probably so scared...God sometimes needs a little help, so he sends us angels to us in human form & i have to say on this morning...my big brother, tony, was an angel to this girl, and he just held a hand... :)
Bonus...~“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
...i think this song; brings full circle this blog...so no matter what; be the best YOU normally or abnormally can be ;) and while your doing it; show LIFE how you can be brave...