
note to self...

day 80...

**disclaimer 720...when using the point system to diet, do not use all your points at lunch time...you will hear your stomach later...

...i ate practically all my points at lunch today which was not good come 5:00 when i could pretty much eat only one thing to stay within my points or go ahead & blow my points...well i was going to go over by 11 points but my brother took six off my hand and i only went over by 5 points...a good thing; however I was way hungry come 7:00 - 8:00...but i managed (yeah, i sat on the floor & did shit; which i.e. meant i was too lazy to get up & search for food)...

...by the way if you venture into the weight watcher world...the point system does not intend for you to stop eating because you will blow your points nor does it intend you to eat them all in one sitting...well i am a fat kid & some (often) times that happens but for those of you out there that can maintain & who do not have my issue please follow my advice...because at this moment i could eat my face and then some...thank God i have no food in my apartment & i don't want to get off my ass....

80th day...30 points (i had to eat some crackers, which was a good choice to hold me over til morning)....
...until "i'm not freakin' repeating today" tomorrow....


today i ate some food...

79th day...

**disclaimer 835...when attending a party; which you are asked to bring something...a good idea is for you to bring a healthy dish; especially when you are on a diet...that way you are encouraging yourself to eat healthy...don't worry someone else will bring the cookies, fear not you can have those too...

...today was my book club meeting...which always means great company, & good food....a couple of girls said i looked skinnier, which totally made me smile...i told them i was trying to lose some weight, because i did not want to be the fat bridesmaid at my brother's wedding (that comment always gets a laugh)...they then proceeded to ask me when my brother was getting married and i told them july...they asked me of this year, and of course i replied, nope not 'til 2011 & then i explained i needed the extra time because i tend to screw up in the diet department (which yet again caused them to erupt in laughter)...

...tonight would be the night where i would be a little lax in the diet area...i do not feel the need to miss out on good party food (a fat kid never does)...so when i have a special function or family gathering (thank God, i have these often enough to satisfy the fat kid in me) i indulge for the day/night & then i am back to the grind...so here is to the food i ate today...cheers to me, my ass & the good food...

day 79...hmmm my points, not so much today...
...until "back to the grind tomorrow"....


i am back on top or maybe i should say on the bottom;)

day 78...week 12
weigh day:
-3 lbs.
total weight loss
-13.5 lbs.

**disclaimer 579...take in the moments when you feel skinny because tomorrow you will probably wake up, look in the mirror, & think, damn, you a fat girl...

...i cannot tell you how ecstatic i am...i was pumped to have lost 3 pounds...i mean i always hope for a 1 or 2 pounds loss (i know i aim for a low amount, so when it is more i am even more excited)....so when i stepped on the scale i could not believe my eyes that i had lost 3 pounds...to be honest i stepped on the scale like 5 times just to make sure i was not dreaming ...but low and behold i did...so i went on with my day with a big smile on my face...& the other positive is just because i was so excited about my loss i did not celebrate by blewing my diet...all in all what a great monday...

78th day/week 12...weigh day...my ass is 3 pounds lighter...yippppeee!!!!
....until "another healthier" tomorrow....


a moment of truth...

76 & 77 days...

**disclaimer 418...if you know someone is on diet, throw them a compliment....hell throw them a compliment even if there ass hasn't shrunk, it keeps them motivated...;)

...tomorrow is weigh day and starting from thursday, the diet roller coaster has been on the downhill...first we had the dessert waffle, second, the black bean burger with fries, then being family weekend, I was surrounded by food (whenever it comes to my family not only do we have a good time but we always include good food; not a problem unless you are on a diet, & unless you are my self controlled skinny sister it often poses a problem;)...so yet again we wait for tomorrow (i know, i might as well cut & paste my blog entry from every sunday, because i say the same damn thing; probably because i always find myself in the same damn predicament)...

...besides me eating & having concerns about weighing myself...i did however receive some compliments, & that is always a positive, & even if they did not really see a change in my body structure...i sure do appreciate them letting me know that my efforts are not going completely unnoticed...thank you to everyone who is supporting in my journey, eventually you will be able to tell me the truth, that i really do look skinnier;)

....76th & 77th day....my belly is happy especially from the white chocolate covered strawberries...mmm yeah they were so good....
...until "a moment of truth" tomorrow....


the buckeyes lost...but a victory for me...

day 75...

**disclaimer 213...after being on a diet for awhile pull out an old pair of clothes (the ones that no longer fit because your ass doubled in size & you put them in a box "for storage";) and try them on...if they are starting to fit again...that definitely means you have lost some poundage off your ass...

...i have these pair of jeans that had gotten to the point where they were rather tight, actually i looked like a sausage stuffed in its casing (where the inside is about to burst out)...so i opted to save the jeans (place them neatly at the bottom of the drawer, you know what i am talking about, we all have "THAT" article of clothing;)...well today i got brave and tried on these so called jeans...and guess freakin' what...they aren't all the way perfect...but they sure are on their way...i was so happy they were not nearly as tight and no "muffin top" (if you need explanation, let me know we will talk)...needless to say i was thrilled and to celebrate my victory i went ahead and went out to eat with my family and had black bean burger with fries...i hope i did not negate the reason for my celebration and welcome myself back to "muffin top" country...we shall see, come monday...but for the moment we end the week on skinnier note...

day 75...here is to the jeans we hide away until another skinnier day...
...until Sunday...


a day in the life of a fat kid's meal...

74th day...

**disclaimer 908...talk about food, & some times when you can't handle it any longer...go ahead and dive in, just don't let it happen too often;)

...after surveying all the possibilities of the food you can eat...make sure to decide on the best one possible...because if you are going to blow the diet for the day...it better be for a good fat kid's meal...

start with a pancake batter (or whatever the hell you make a waffle with; i just eat, not cook)...put the waffle in iron maker thingy...let it cook, remove it before you burn it...then cut up strawberries & bananas, lay them appropriately on the waffle...then take a scoop of vanilla ice cream & place it strategically in the middle of the fruit...then drizzle caramel and chocolate sauce (light on the chocolate sauce for me, i am trying to keep it under control, truth, not a huge fan)...add some walnuts....and finish it with whip cream...

day 74...at this point while i was eating the delectable food, i threw the points out the window...
...until "back to business " tomorrow...

~~this dessert waffle was courtesy of HangOverEasy & the cooks that made it...for additional information on how to have the opportunity to eat this amazing piece of food visit hangovereasy.com or show up to the restaurant at 1646 Neil Ave. Columbus, OH 43201 on Ohio State's campus...
~p.s i am not kidding it was so so delicious, and it was worth every point used as well as my ass getting slightly larger; however it did have fruit on it, so that counts for a food group...;)


hump a flump day...new picture of me

day 73...i have a new picture of me exercising and looking skinny...they had to stick me in a cage because i wanted to eat a bucket of ice cream after i was done...ps i need to shave....

**disclaimer 321...laugh at yourself...i heard a funny story about some one noticing they had a second ass growing...she was quite disturbed by it, but what a way to describe it...i was cracking up...so definitely laugh & then diet....

...today was good...the picture says it all...and i am done for the day...all that stretching and rock climbing kicked my ass...so later playa...enjoy the pic:)

73rd day and lots more to go...21 points...
...until "hmmmmm" tomorrow...


how about you "weigh in"...

day 72....

**disclaimer 227...indulge into a good book...it will save you from indulging into food, especially if you strategically place yourself away from the food...

...it is about that time...day 72 & you have heard enough of my b*tch*n about my ass, how i cannot control my eating at certain points throughout my diet, & and then the all too familiar me blowing my points and then dreading weigh day...well let us reverse rolls...your turn to "weigh in" (i am so funny, try to contain yourself)...let me know what you think about my progress, be brutally honest, remember i can handle it....if you are dieting or otherwise a skinny person (i was going to use another word, but i am trying not to discriminate against skinny people), tell me how your diet is going or how you stay so skinny (i am smiling when i say that, well kind of)...& lastly give me suggestions (i.e..."if you spent half as much time on your diet instead whining about your ass, & your failure to maintain your diet, can you imagine how svelte you would be???)

72nd day...25 points...
...until "waiting to hear from you" tomorrow...


not so bad...yet not so great...

week 11...day 71...weigh day...
+1 lb....total loss -10.5 lbs.

**disclaimer 2...you have things that set you back but push you forward at the same time in your life...for instance you gain some wait that definitely can hold you down but then makes you want to work harder to work that pound off and all the other extra poundage on your ass....

today was weigh day...i gained one pound but i am not totally bummed...i know i would like to see more of a weight loss come next week because I will have officially been on Operation n.M.f.B for 12 weeks...so it would be nice to have smaller ass after 3 months...so I will have to crack down and get my points in check and get back to exercising...which i did today, i went for nice brisk walk & maintained a nice points allowance...i reached a plateau last week and i think that i have crossed over it...i mean even my blogging had become "blah & shitty"...it is ok you can tell me...but i am back on track (well that is what i am feeling for a monday)...so thanks for stickin' with me as I journeyed across the rough patch...you know what they say, "eating is better with friends & so is dieting"....

71 days...week 11
weight loss +1 lb....22.5 points
until..."keepin' the progress a going" tomorrow...


back on the diet train...it will leave the station tomorrow...i am a work in progress...

day 69 & 70...

**disclaimer 273...a vacation is some times all you need to feel refreshed...even a vacation from a diet allows for you to gear up for some good eatin' & ass kickin' exercise...

...i am ready for tomorrow and ready to get back to Operation N.M.F.B....i have jumped over my "blah" hump & now, fingers crossed am back on the wagon...i know that tomorrow could bring some bad news, only because the last couple of days i have not participated in my Weight Watcher counting escapades...i will have to step on the scale and see what happens from my lack of dieting & wanting to eat what i want, when i want...

...the weekend was good, nothing crazy...tried to control my eagerness to eat & i think i did a decent job...my sister makes this white chocolate mix...let's just say for a fat kid it is like crack...so i might have gotten into a little trouble with that...but other than that i tried to act like a self controlled skinny kid (its ok you can laugh at that)...

69th & 70th day...i'm back in the saddle again...
....until "EEEEEEEEEK" weigh day tomorrow....


today i am just plan ole' fat....

68 days...

**disclaimer 521....when feeling fat for the day...wear black, it will make you look skinny to everyone else & quite possible yourself too....

i am having a fat day....yesterday was a sucky diet day (well today was too) & today is an ultimately OMG i feel like a house & look like one too...so what do you do on those days...well what better else you suck it up & deal with it...wear black & go to bed early (that way the fat day only lasts as long as it has to)...and when you wake up in the morning eat something healthy & start the day off right so you don't end up having yet another fat day (normally these fat days tend to only last a day at the most & for those with fat asses maybe 2-3 days)...

day 68...hopefully...i will get back on track next week & this cloud of fatness will pass me by...& i am sure as soon as i see the numbers on the scale it will be all sunny skies in diet land...
....until Sunday....


"uhhhh i just don't want to...."

day 67

**disclaimer 20...sometimes you need a break, and sometimes that break comes right smack dab in the middle of a diet...& believe it or not your ass can handle it; just don't go crazy or you will go right back to where you started & nobody wants to hear your bullshit again....

...we all know we have moods for events in our lives...we like to do things & then often times we would rather eat shit (well maybe not that extreme) than do things we dislike...these can range from going to work, cleaning, exercising, & of course dieting...and come day 67 i am at that point....quote, "i do not want to be on a diet today," says the current fat bridesmaid.
...that being said i did not go crazy because i do not want to go back to a +11.5 pounds on my body but i needed a breather....& then i will get back on the saddle as long as the horse under me does not buckle from the weight of my ass & other parts of my body...i just needed a day where i was not over consumed with worrying and counting (since starting the diet, not one day, even the days when i blow the diet, have i thought of needing a break; hence why i gave myself lots of time to lose the freakin' weight)...but i am not throwing it all out the window; it still lingers like a bad (good;) dream...

67th day...and the points took a break...
...until back on the saddle again tomorrow....


happy st. patty's day...now lets get our eat on...

66 days...

i am not going to lie...remember how i said tuesdays & wednesdays tend to be boring, well i lied this wednesday was not....
...so "top of the day to ya"...go out & have a beer or 2 or eat some good comfort pub food...heaven knows i did...So Happy Freakin' Fat Ass St. Patrick's Day...

...day 66 & as you eat the comfort food the points go out the window...
...until "a no more holiday" tomorrow...

***short but sweet...sometimes less is more...that is why i am on my diet (well not today)...


i got nothin' but i still havin' somethin' to say...surprise, surprise

dddddaaaaayyyy 65.....

**disclaimer 356...food is food & it is meant to be eaten...BUT BEWARE...because as food is meant to be eaten it can also be meant to adhere to your ass...so watch what you eat;)

...i kind of dislike tuesdays & wednesdays...i tend to (not always as evident in the past posts) stick to Operation N.M.F.B....i don't usually fall off the wagon until thursday or friday & then of course saturday and sunday i am usually stuck in a food coma and need to go to a meeting (or step on a scale) to get back on track...
...however today i only ate 1 girl scout cookie because i am trying to not eat all my points (props to me; that is sad; i am excited that ate ONLY one cookie)...so i was proud of myself for that...especially since i wanted another one but i opted to not eat it...& i tell you what if this plan doesn't work come next week on weigh day...i will eat the 2nd damn cookie & might even go for a 3rd...
not too much else to report here in fat land...but maybe tomorrow i will have some extra luck (get it luck of the irish; st. patrick's day...man i am so funny; i can't even control myself).... in losing another portion of my ass, going from a double to a single chin, or actually not having the earth shake from my jiggly librarian arms (got a visual; now use that as your motivation)...a girl can dream;)

...65 days & the diet continues...24 points...getting better at decreasing the points....
...until the luck of the irish tomorrow....


some times you need to buck the status quo...

64 days...week 10...weigh day...
weight loss = 0 pounds; total loss = -11.5 lbs.

**disclaimer 908...if you keep doing the same thing over & over, & nothing is changing...wake up & smell the cucumbers & eat them instead of eating the same old junk that is not helping your ass to shrink...

...so i did not lose any weight & i actually was shocked that i did not gain & stayed the same...however i got to thinkin' i need to give some tweakin' to what i am currently doing in order to keep the scale moving downward...so i need to step up in the exercise department, maybe not partake in weekend long "eatfests", better food choices, & even though, i am allotted 20-25 points per day, maybe decrease my points and not eat the max and stay closer to 20 points and see how that works when i go to step on the scale next week...that is my plan for week 10 & we will see how i size up (ha,ha get it, "size up" funny right?!?) come next week...

day 64~week 10~0 weight loss...24.5 points (see i already started with decreasing the number of points i am eating;);)
...until a better, healthy tomorrow...


...ohh the weekend i had...

day 62 & 63...

**disclaimer 489...if you alternate between a cookie and an asparagus...does that lessen the calories in the cookie????

...i cannot even tell you how afraid i am to get on the scale for weigh day...not only did i eat, i ATE....do you ever have one of those days (or couple of days) where you just do not feel full (skinny people do not comment on that question)....well that is how i felt...and that is not a good feeling when you are trying to lose weight...one of the positives this weekend was i got a little exercising in...my nieces have a Wii game called "just dance" & let me tell you it is quite a workout, only proving that i need to step up my exercising...i must admit i got a little winded...other than that the only other exercising was my mouth opening & closing for food (i mean it was damn good food & i enjoyed it;)...but tomorrow as i climb on & back off the scale & then proceed to cry my eyes out, please remind me that it is just one weigh in & i can get back on track or politely say, "hey fat ass, remember that cookie, next time think twice & don't eat it, & suck it up, you did this"...

...62 & 63 days...ohh boy, ohh boy, i can hear the scale callin' my name, "come on fattie, i'm goin' make you cry....
...until "Eeeeeeek" weigh day tomorrow....


a little poem for you...

day 61...

my mom gave this joke/poem & it is perfect so i thought i would share...& then call it a day...because Lord knows the point system was out the window today...enough said; here it is...

"...with time, women gain weight because
we accumulate so much information
wisdom in our heads that when there is
no more room, it distributes out
to the rest of bodies. So we aren't
heavy, we are enormously cultured,
educated and happy.

Beginning today, when I look at my butt
in the mirror I will think,
"Good grief, look how smart I am!"

Must be where the phrase "Smart Ass" came from..."
...i couldn't have said it any better & i am definitely a smart/fat ass but now i just feel better about being one..

61 days & counting but not so much with the points...
...until Sunday....


the cookie looked at me straight in the face...& i said no!...

60 days...
(a little bit of a new look, don't get too excited)

**disclaimer 212....stick to the serving size no matter how hard it is...at that very moment when you choose to do that, you will be pissed because you want 4 cookies instead of 2 but down the road you will thank yourself...

...i think i have spoken of my love of girl scout cookies, particularly thin mints & caramel delights (or whatever the hell they are called now)...& i also mentioned that i bought some while i was buying my healthy food (i am trying to maintain a balance)...i stuck them in my freezer & have not got a chance to eat them (does anyone else find it funny; that i act like the cookies are a long lost friend & i have not had a chance to catch up with them...another sure sign of a true fat kid, when they describe their relationship with food as their friends, but also some times those friends will stab you in the back or attach themselves to your ass, so be careful;)...way off point & now i am back...so after i ate my wonderful salad...i had a couple points left over, so what better way to use them but milk & cookies...i opted for the caramel delights, which 2 of them are 3 points if you are wondering...now here comes the part where i almost jumped off the deep end...2 freakin' cookies left & i honestly contemplated whether or not i should eat them...you will be happy to know i shoved them back into the freezer (not in my mouth) and walked away slowly...so 2 cookies left for next time & snaps for me because i showed some self control...

day 60...26 points...i went over by one but i did not go over by 3 which on most days would have been the case...
...until a maybe 2 more cookie tomorrow...


fried fish but not french fries...

day fifty-nine...

**disclaimer 97...ease off the "friedness"...when going out to dinner try not make it an all around fried dinner...it's better for your heart & quite possibly your ass too;)

i went out to dinner tonight with a good friend & had a fried fish sandwich...the waitress told me sweet potatoes fries come with it...but asked if i would rather have regular fries, i was about to say regular fries but then she mentioned mashed potatoes (i should have asked for a salad but i ate that yesterday & if you are out, you might as well go big, go Big or stay Home & eat the damn salad)...and i went for the potatoes, which were yummy good...i know, all the butter they put in the potatoes isn't the best, but i figured i was doing myself a good deed by not eating fried all around....and i did not completely finish the whole sandwich, so i think it was a successful meal....

...did i mention i love eating out...my ass can attest to it...& i would probably do it all the time if i had the cash flow & had the waistline that could handle it...so part of Operation n.M.f.B is giving up this loved ritual...but some times, probably more often than i should, i indulge in it & the best way to eat it is with company...so mangia, mangia:)

...fifty-nine glorious days...points....hmmm i lost track...
...until staying in an eating tomorrow...


how to enjoy a salad...

58 days....

**disclaimer 546...fruits & veggies are the way to go (if i said it before, i am saying it again)...lots of food...not a lot of points...

...a good salad...can be tasteful & filling with the right ingredients and most likely only be a few points...
*lettuce (pile it up) = 0 pts.
*tomatoes (love them) = 0 pts.
*mushrooms (used to hate them & now we have grown to love each other) = 0 pts.
*cucumbers (great with a little salt) = 0 pts.
*avocados (we all know how i feel about them) = 2 pts. for a 1/4
*cheese (mozzarella or parmesan are the the best choices) = mozz. = 2 pts. = 1/4c.
*tuna (it can be good without mayo, instead add lemon juice = 0 points) = 2 pts. (1 can)
*dressing (fat free/low fat can save you lots) = 1 pt. per serving (usually)

...of course you can add or subtract items to your salad but overall you can have a very hearty salad....& it is a range of 3-7 points depending on if you add tuna, cheese, avocados (we all know every time i will add the avocados)...however it is filling and you are not eating all of your points in one setting & besides you are getting lots of your veggies...i know i sound so so healthy...little do you know i washed it down with cookies, kidding...maybe one;)

...day 58...26 points (no it wasn't the salad that made me go over by one)
...day 57....21.5 points (forgot to tell you yesterday & see i had a points i could borrow for today)
...until 1 more hump day down tomorrow...


use the weather to get motivated & to move your beeee--hind...

day 57....week 9...weigh day...
...weight loss = -1.5 lbs. for a total weight loss = -11.5 lbs.

**disclaimer 219...when the weather is nice...take advantage of it & exercise outside....it gives you extra energy to breathe in the fresh air...

...today was a good day...a lot of avocados were eaten...not totally bad but not the greatest vegetables to keep indulging in...i did eat some fruit & a big ass salad that will help shrink the big ass that is attached to me...i lost some weight; 1.5 lbs. to be exact...i think i am going to have to rein in the weekend eating extravaganzas...it could possibly help in the process of losing weight...and i have now stepped it up the in the exercise department (well one day in to it & me sweating my ass off is definitely a step in the right direction)...but for a monday the week has started out pretty positive, i almost had sushi again but it worked out that i did not go which is probably the best thing for me, because as of this weekend as i experienced, i do not have any self control when it comes to sushi...

...i forgot to tell a funny story from the weekend...i went to church when i was at home & i was talking to some of the older ladies & they so kindly told me i looked like i was losing weight & i said thank you & explained the reason why...their response was, "it's about time."...i just laughed & kept laughing...

...57 days and still pluggin' along...week 9 and my ass has shrank by 1.5 lbs...which is a total of 11.5 lbs. of fat no longer attached to my body....
...until "another day of good weather" tomorrow...


& the award goes to....the fat ass bridesmaid for her dramatic performance in how to eat your face off...

55 & 56 days into the big Operation N.m.F.b...

Quote of the Weekend..."the reason my ass is so big & i have no boyfriend is for one reason...my big mouth..."

**disclaimer 474...you can't beatem', at least eat with them...

...another trip to the vacation home in ole' toledo, ohio...we had lots of fun especially because there was lots of food involved...& my philosophy is if their is food, good food, then it is a freakin' partay....so if we are at a party together, look in the kitchen, my ass will be in the chair, right next to the food...on friday we ate fried fish...& then on saturday i went to a baby shower, usually they include good food, why else would you go;)...& then later on we ate sushi....which i love & is not all too crazy bad for you...needless to say i ate pretty good this weekend...& hopefully tomorrow when i hop on the old scale it does not punish me for it....i tried for the self control but i could not help myself...& did i mention while i was buying some healthy veggies & fruits...i went ahead and supported the local girl scout group & bought 2 boxes of girl scout cookies (which i proceeded to eat 1/2 of one tonight)...i am helping the economy & supporting the local community and my fat ass...everyone wins;)...besides i bought the healthy stuff too...

i also decided, as i am watching the academy awards, (you can call me a loser, you know you watched part, if not all of the award show)...that i found another reason to lose weight...which is i do not want my arms to jiggle when i clap or wave...think about it, do you? (now go ahead & shove that cookie in your mouth; jiggle, jiggle; can you see it)

...days 55 & 56...here a point, there a point, every where a point...
....until weigh day tomorrow....fingers crossed...


showing a little self control...

daY 54...

**disclaimer 21...show some self control...you are not at 6th grade camp, you do not have to be a part of the clean plate club....here is an innovative idea: when you are full, stop eating...it saves you from fat breathing & quite possibly a fat ass as well...

i went to dinner with my parentals and got a fish sandwich (did i mention i love fried foods, if it is edible it probably can be fried, if you doubt me, go to your next state or county fair, they fry it all)....and the sandwich came with fries....i only ate half the sandwich with the bun, but the second half i took the breading off & only ate the fish part & did not finish my french fries (which is a huge step for me because i love love french fries, just damn good)....i felt pretty proud of myself & i did not eat 'til the point of no return, when fat breathing would have set in....i stopped myself & pushed the plate aside so i did not have to keep nibbling...anywho, the day was good...& i showed self control, what is the world coming to (i was trying to be funny & yep i have nothin', & who is to say i was ever funny before, but a girl can dream)

54th day...fried foods = lots & lots of points, not sure i can count that high...
....until SUNday....


let's recommend some food....

fifty-third day...

**disclaimer 94...when you got something good going on you should share it...especially some healthy eating tips (i know the fun thing to do would be to recommend the good, fun food, but some times we have to bite the bullet, & suggest the good;), & not always fun food)....

ok so here are some of my good foods that make Operation N.M.F.B a hell of a lot more tolerable...
~quaker weight control (ha ha control of your weight) oatmeal = 3 points
*i like the maple brown sugar, add a banana (so so good) & its 5 points
~arnold sandwich thins (i'm a carb girl and this helps solve the problem) = 1 point
*make a sandwich, put avocado on it, or peanut butter & jelly & usually you can stay under 6 points with the whole sandwich
~crystal light mix in = 0 points (have a freakin' party with this one)
*i like the lemon iced tea flavor, it spices up the water
~special k bar = 2 points
*lots of flavors (blueberry, strawberry, peaches n'cream, vanilla), a nice snack
~fruits = vary in points ) but normally 1 or 2 points at the max...
*strawberries, bananas, kiwi, & apples (i honestly love fruit, especially when in season)
~veggies = majority are 0 points
*broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes (can be a fruit or veggie depending on how you feel), AVOCADOS (love them)
~cereal = depending on it; usually 2-4 points but maybe 5 in rare cases
*honey bunch of oats, raisin nut bran, who are we kidding any freakin' cereal is GREAT
(the point value is per serving size; there is my weight watcher disclaimer)

...day 53...24.5 points...enough from me, let me know if you have a fav...
...until tomorrow...


if you are going to eat a food tasting is the way to go...

day 52...

**disclaimer 435...the only true way to blow a diet & thoroughly enjoy it, is a food tasting...you get a little bit of everything, what's not to love...

....the diet was out the window and i honestly could give 2 sh*ts...my brother, the groom, asked me to go with him because my future sister in-law, kate, was m.i.a. (well she had class, sucks to be her & it is awesome to be me)....& boy was i grateful to her...free food, not just that, all kinds of it, potatoes; cooked in like 5 different ways, veggies (you have to be healthy at some point), chicken, beef, lamb, fish, appetizers, cake (the one cake was uber good, i had 2 pieces & i am not even a cake person)...all things were meant for the bride & groom to taste a glimpse into their wedding & I, yes I the fat bridesmaid, was the one at the glorious land of food, where else would I, the fat bridesmaid be;)...i had a freakin' blast, i was in my food heaven...

52nd day...screw the points i was eatin' food...
...until a back to dieting tomorrow...


i exercised today...did you?

51 st day...

**disclaimer 432...when walking for exercise, during the winter, pick sidewalks that have NOT been shoveled...why, you ask....when walking on sidewalks not shoveled you are forced to use more of your leg muscles so as not to fall on your ass...& maybe in the process you build muscles...

...today was good diet day...thanks to my brother i went for a walk with him and his dog, which at first, i was going to opt out of this activity, but then i remembered i needed to get back on the exercise train...besides that i spoke with my mom & told her she needed to exercise so as to burn more calories, so how can i not take my own advice...& to be honest, no matter whether you are losing your ass or already a skinny b*o*ch we all need to exercise...it is just good for your body...at least that is what they(not sure who "they" are but they must pretty smart cause people listen to them) say...especially as we get older (i just sounded like an infomercial on exercising;)...i did remember how much i love to walk (i am not joking or being a smart ass, i actually enjoy it:)...other than that, not too much going on...i ate some food but maintained my points...and even made better food choices...watch out world i am becoming a skinny kid, nah (like i said before & will say it again), once a fat kid, always a fat kid...

**a little fun i get to partake in tomorrow...no its not an all you can eat buffet, but pretty damn close...i get to go to the food tasting for the wedding i am in...i am going in place of the ever so gracious bride who has class & can't go...i am pumped, a sampler of food, can we say hell yeah...thanks kate:)

day 51....exercising is back & i'm likin' it (love is too strong of a word to describe my feelings for exercising)...22 points
...until food tasting tomorrow....


my weight is still triple digits but the loss, now that is a different story...i hit double digits...

50 days/week 8...
...weigh day...-2.5 lbs. & put your hands together, that means -10 lbs. altogether, i hit double digits in weight loss (at least for this week)

**disclaimer 876...for more motivation in the weight loss department watch shows, preferably reality tv shows where they show really obese people & then when you go to reach for that piece of candy think twice because at some point that obese person was at the same point in their life as you were & then decided to keep grabbing the candies...your future ass is now on a reality tv show, "true life -- i am a fat kid"...so think before you eat...

...i survived being at my parents and not blowing my points for almost a whole day...i cannot believe i showed that much self control...i am actually quite proud of myself...i think this week besides me getting my ass in exercise mode, i need to also focus on food choices and make good food choices....you can eat what you want but that means blowing your points for the whole day & those food choices that blow your whole day do not necessarily help your body in the long run...so i need to be more proactive and choose better foods to eat that stay within my points...which also means i need to go to the grocery store;)

...enough thoughts for a monday...25 points; -2.5 lbs. (-10 lbs. for 8 weeks & 50 days)...
....until a better food choice tomorrow....